Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


types of injuries, 1–1
Caries. See Dental caries
Carotenoids, 5–138t
Carotid massage, 3–111
Cartilage tear, knee, 3–59
CASEVAC, with fixed winged aircraft, 1–31
marking and lighting of landing zone
daytime, 1–31
nighttime, 1–32
Casting, cow, 5–129
for ankle injury, 3–77
splitting of, 8–31
Casualty decontamination station set up, 6–54—6–55
Cat hole latrine, 5–111f
Cat scratch disease, 5–92—5–93
diagnostic algorithm for, 3–34f
differential diagnosis of, 3–112t, 5–103
Caterpillar sting, 4–57
Catheterization, bladder, 8–33—8–35
obstetrics for, 5–130—5–131
restraint of, 5–129—5–130
Cauda equina syndrome
in low back pain, 3–6
treatment of, 3–7
Caustic cocktail chemical burn
assessment of, 6–21
with diving, 6–20
follow-up for, 6–21
patient education for, 6–21
signs of, 6–21
symptoms of, 6–20
treatment for, 6–21
Cavity tooth varnish, 5–13
Cefadyl, 5–20
Cefazolin, 3–8
for knee pain, 3–75
for urethral discharges, 5–27
for acute abdominal pain, 3–2
for acute organic intestinal obstruction, 4–86
for peritonitis, 4–84
for airway obstruction, 3–117
for disseminated gonococcal infection, 4–40
for hip pain, 3–74
for meningococcemia, 4–41
for pancreatitis, 4–82
for urinary tract infections, 4–94
for abnormal uterine bleeding, 3–41
for acute abdominal pain, 3–2
for acute organic intestinal obstruction, 4–86
for appendicitis, 4–72
for pelvic inflammatory disease, 3–51
for peritonitis, 4–84
for trauma patient, 7–5

for acute abdominal pain, 3–2
for acute organic intestinal obstruction, 4–86
for blast injury, 7–26
for pelvic inflammatory disease, 3–51
for peritonitis, 4–84
for disseminated gonococcal infection, 4–40
for hip pain, 3–74
Ceftriaxone (Rochephin)
for abnormal uterine bleeding, 3–41
after thoracostomy, 8–9
for Bartholin’s gland abscess or cyst, 3–52
for blast injury, 7–26
for chancroid, 5–29
for disseminated gonococcal infection, 4–40
for electrical or lightning injury, 7–27
for empyema, 4–17
for epididymitis, 3–84—3–85
for febrile infections, 3–33f
for granuloma inguinale, 5–29
for hip pain, 3–74
for knee pain, 3–75
for Lyme disease, 5–88
for lymphogranuloma venereum, 5–29
for mastitis, 3–9
for meningitis, 4–36, 4–37
for meningococcemia, 4–41
for pelvic inflammatory disease, 3–51
for pneumonia, 4–13
for septic joint, 3–63
for shoulder pain, 3–71
for streptococcal infections, 5–100
for syphilis, 5–30
for tularemia, 5–103
for typhoid fever, 5–104
for urethral discharges, 5–27
for urinary tract infections, 4–94
for airway obstruction, 3–117
for empyema, 4–17
Cefuroxime axetil, 4–40
Celestone, 5–2
differential diagnosis of, 5–100
in erysipelas, 4–41
of male genitals, 3–78
treatment of, 3–78
in mastitis, 3–7
periorbital, 3–26
Centipede bites, 4–55—4–56
assessment of, 4–56
follow-up for, 4–56
patient education for, 4–56
signs of, 4–56
symptoms for, 4–56
treatment for, 4–56
Central nervous system
disease of, 3–116
injury of with anxiety, 3–5
trauma to, 3–55
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