Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


for burn injury, 7–22
volume-restricting, 8–31
wet-to-dry, 8–28
Driving restrictions, seizure disorder, 4–35
Drug eruptions, 3–114
Drug hypersensitivity, 3–113t
Drug reactions
differential diagnosis of, 4–65, 6–31
fever with, 3–31
Drug-related fatigue, 3–29
Drug-related pruritus, 3–114
Drug-related syncope, 3–118
Dry eye
differential diagnosis of, 3–25
red eye with, 3–24
treatment of, 3–25
Dry socket. See Osteitis, localized
Drysol, 5–8
Dumbbell shoulder flies, 3–72
lateral, 3–72
Dumping syndrome, 6–22
Dwarf tapeworm disease, 5–49
Dycal, 5–13
assessment of, 3–18
symptoms of, 3–18
diagnosis of, 3–45
differential diagnosis of, 3–44t
primary, 3–45
symptoms of, 3–45
treatment of, 3–45
Dyspareunia, 3–51
alleviating or aggravating factors in, 3–11
treatment for, 3–12
Dyspnea, 3–115
assessment of, 3–116
on exertion, with congestive heart failure,
exposure history in, 3–115
follow-up, 3–117
medical history in, 3–115
neurological exam for, 3–116
patient education for, 3–117
signs of, 3–115—3–116
symptoms of, 3–115
treatment of, 3–117
Dysrrhythmias, 8–10

E vitamin deficiency, 5–138t
barotrauma to, 6–1—6–2
dizziness in trauma to, 3–20
middle, 6–34
Eastern equine encephalitis, 5–66
Ebola virus, 6–61
Echinococcosis, 5–32
Echovirus, 3–112t

Eclampsia, 3–104. See also Preeclampsia
signs of, 3–105, 3–108
treatment of, 3–109
Ecthyma contagiosum
assessment of, 4–46
cause of, 4–45—4–46
follow-up for, 4–46
patient education for, 4–46
signs of, 4–46
symptoms of, 4–46
treatment for, 4–46
Ectopic pregnancy
acute pelvic pain with, 3–41, 3–42
ruptured, 3–3t
treatment of, 3–43
Eczema, 3–113
Eczematous dermatitis, 4–61
Edema, generalized, 4–89
EEG. See Electroencephalography
Efavirenz, 5–78
Eflornithine, 5–52
Eggs, cooking, 5–109
Ehrlichia, 5–95
Ehrlichiosis, 5–95
differential diagnosis of, 5–89
EKG. See Electrocardiography
Elapidae snakes, 5–143, 5–144
Elastoplast, 5–8
Elavil, 3–82
Elbow joint
aspiration at, 8–29
dislocation of
anterior, 3–65
assessment of, 3–67
diagnostic tests for, 3–67
differential diagnosis of, 3–67
follow-up, 3–68
patient education for, 3–68
post treatment care for, 3–67—3–68
posterior, 3–65
procedure for, 3–67
Electrical injuries, 7–26
assessment of, 7–27
follow-up for, 7–28
patient education for, 7–28
signs of, 7–27
symptoms of, 7–26—7–27
treatment for, 7–27—7–28
Electrocardiogram rhythm, 3–118
in congestive heart failure, 4–4
for myocardial infarction, 4–1, 4–2f
normal with chest pain, 4–8
in pericarditis, 4–6
for pulmonary embolus, 4–23
three-lead, 8–10—8–12
applying chest electrodes in, 8–11
equipment for, 8–10
interpreting, 8–11—8–12
patient preparation for, 8–11
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