Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


Glanders, 5–32
Glans penis inflammation, 3–77—3–78
Glasgow Coma Scale, 2–4
for arboviral encephalitis, 5–67
for meningitis, 4–36
for rabies, 5–82
for syncope, 3–118
for trauma patient, 7–4
for underwater blast injury, 6–19
Glass ionomer cement, 5–12, 5–13
Glaucoma, acute angle-closure, 3–25
red eye with, 3–24
Glenohumeral joint, 3–70
Glipizide, 4–29
Glucagon, 4–31
Glucose, metabolism of, 4–30
Glucose-Clinitest procedure, 8–42
Glyburide, 4–29
Glycerin suppository, 3–13
Glycosuria, 8–42
Gnathostomiasis, 4–52
Goats, foot rot in, 5–133—5–134
Goiter, 4–31
diagnosis of, 4–32
differential diagnosis of, 4–33
with iodine deficiency, 5–139t
symptoms of, 4–32
treatment of, 4–33
Gonococcal arthritis
differential diagnosis of, 5–98
knee pain with, 3–75
Gonococcal infection
in Bartholin’s gland abscess or cyst, 3–52
assessment of, 4–40
cause of, 4–40
follow-up for, 4–40
patient education for, 4–40
signs of, 4–40
symptoms of, 4–40
treatment of, 4–40
Gonococcal peritonitis, 4–71
Gonococcal pharyngitis, 4–11
Gonococcemia, 3–112t
in Bartholin’s gland abscess or cyst, 3–52
cultures for, 3–37, 3–38
for pelvic inflammatory disease, 3–51
in urethral discharges, 5–26
Gout, 3–59—3–60
natural history of, 3–63
signs of, 3–60
treatment of, 3–63
Gram-negative bacterial sepsis, 4–27
Gram stain
for blastomycosis, 5–59
for coccidioidomycosis, 5–61
equipment for, 8–44
for impetigo contagiosa, 4–43

indications for, 8–44
in joint pain assessment, 3–61
for meningococcemia, 4–41
procedures in, 8–44—8–45
quality control testing in, 8–45
for urethral discharges, 5–27
Granisetron (Kytril), 6–62
in genital ulcers, 5–28
treatment of, 5–29
pleural effusion with, 4–15
Graves’ disease
in diabetes mellitus, 4–28
in hyperthyroidism, 4–31—4–32
Grease traps, 5–115f, 5–116f
Grepafloxacin, 4–13
Grey Turner’s sign, 4–82
Griseofulvin, 4–50
Gross motor strength testing, 7–4
for common cold and flu, 4–11
for cough, 3–15
Guillain-Barre syndrome, 4–37, 5–81
Gum boil, 5–13
Gurgling breath sounds, 6–40
Gynecologic symptoms
abdominal pain in, 3–1
abnormal uterine bleeding, 3–39—3–41
bacterial vaginosis, 3–47—3–49
Bartholin’s gland cyst/abscess, 3–52—3–55
candida vaginitis/vulvitis, 3–49—3–50
female pelvic examination for, 3–37—3–39
pelvic inflammatory disease, 3–50—3–52
pelvic pain
acute, 3–41—3–43
chronic, 3–43—3–47
vaginitis, 3–47

H-2 blockers
for gastritis, 4–81
for self-limiting abdominal pain, 3–1
HACE. See High altitude cerebral edema (HACE)
Haemophilus influenzae, 4–14
HAHO missions, hypoxia in, 6–32
in high altitude cerebral edema, 6–39
symptoms of, 5–152
Hallux abductor valgus. See Bunion
HALO missions
decompression sickness risk in, 6–37
hypoxia in, 6–32
for mania, 3–17
for psychosis and delirium, 5–152, 5–153
Halter, 5–128
Hammertoe, 5–5
dermatomes of cutaneous innervation of, 5–168f
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