Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


Monochloroacetic acid, 5–4
Mononucleosis, infectious
assessment of, 5–79
cause of, 5–78—5–79
differential diagnosis of, 4–11, 5–64, 5–71
fatigue with, 3–30t
follow-up for, 5–80
patient education for, 5–79—5–80
signs of, 5–79
symptoms of, 5–79
treatment for, 5–79
Mood disorders. See Depression
bovis, 5–136
catarrhalis, 4–14
Moray eels, 6–17
for chemical burns, 7–18
for heat stroke, 6–51
for hip dislocation, 3–69
for marine animal bites, 6–18
for myocardial infarction, 4–3
for pain control, 8–38
for pericarditis, 4–6
for trauma pain management, 7–4
Morphine sulfate
for chest pain, 3–12
for urolithiasis, 4–92
Mosaic wart, 5–3
in arboviral encephalitis transmission, 5–68
in dengue fever, 5–65
in myiasis transmission, 4–52
after cesarean section, 3–102
for bunion, 5–5
for chronic pelvic pain, 3–44t
for headache, 3–56
for heel spur syndrome, 5–2
in peptic ulcer disease, 4–84
Mountain sickness, acute, 6–37
assessment of, 6–37
in congestive heart failure, 4–4
differential diagnosis for, 6–41
follow-up for, 6–38
high altitude cerebral edema and, 6–38
patient education for, 6–38
signs of, 6–37
symptoms of, 6–37
treatment for, 6–38
Mouth, inflammation of, 5–137t
Mucocutaneous disease, 5–63
Multi-organ failure, 5–100
Multiple sclerosis, 4–90
differential diagnosis of, 4–11, 5–80
required vaccination for, 5–106t
Mupirocin ointment, 4–43
Murine typhus, 5–83
treatment of, 5–84—5–85

Murphy’s sign, 4–78
Murray Valley encephalitis, 5–66
Muscle relaxants
dosing guidelines for, 5–156t
for joint pain, 3–63
heat-related cramping of, 6–48
pain in with magnesium deficiency, 5–139t
weakness of in trichenellosis, 5–50
Musculoskeletal chest wall pain, 3–10
alleviating or aggravating factors in, 3–11
quality of, 3–11
Musculoskeletal system examination, 2–4
Mustard gas, 6–53—6–54
assessment of in joint pain, 3–62
in trichenellosis, 5–50
Myasthenia gravis, 4–37
Mycobacterial infections
atypical, 4–53
nontuberculosis, 5–56—5–57
tuberculosis, 5–54—5–56
abscessus, 5–56—5–57
avium complex, 5–56—5–57
bovis, 5–32, 5–54, 5–56
fortuitum, 5–56—5–57
kansasii, 5–56—5–57
leprae, 4–45
marinum, 5–56—5–57
tuberculosis, 5–54
in cutaneous tuberculosis, 4–44
ulcerans, 5–56—5–57
for balanitis, 3–78
for candidal penile infection, 3–78
pneumoniae, 4–14
differential diagnosis of, 4–13
in urethral discharges, 5–26
Mycoses, 5–57—5–63
assessment of, 4–52—4–53
cause of, 4–52
follow-up for, 4–53
patient education for, 4–53
signs of, 4–52
symptoms of, 4–52
treatment of, 4–53
Myocardial infarction, acute
assessment of, 4–1
cardiac resuscitation in, 4–8
in congestive heart failure, 4–4
differential diagnosis of, 6–5
dyspnea with, 3–116
EKG showing, 4–2f
follow-up, 4–3
incidence of, 4–1
Killip classification of, 4–3
patient education for, 4–3
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