Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


in pericarditis, 4–6
quality of pain in, 3–11
risk factors for, 4–1
signs of, 4–1
symptoms of, 4–1
syncope with, 3–118
treatment for, 4–3
Myocarditis, 5–99
with electrical or lightning injury, 7–27
urinalysis in, 8–43
signs of, 5–100
streptococcal infection in, 5–99
Myringotomy, 6–35

N-acetyl cysteine, 3–58
for erysipelas, 4–42
for hip pain, 3–74
for mastitis, 3–8
for pericarditis, 4–6
for septic joint, 3–63
Nalbuphine, 8–39
for opiate side effects, 8–40
for trauma pain management, 7–4
for abnormal uterine bleeding, 3–41
for chronic pelvic pain, 3–44t
for endometriosis, 3–45
for headache, 3–56
for testicular/scrotal masses, 3–80
for acute mountain sickness, 6–38
for joint pain, 3–63
for chest pain, 3–12
for drug-induced dyspnea, 3–117
for syncope, 3–118
for ankle pain, 3–77
for Bartholin’s gland abscess or cyst, 3–52
for chronic pelvic pain, 3–44t
for joint pain, 3–63
for urolithiasis, 4–92
Nasal cannula, 8–4
Nasal cellulitis, 3–26
Nasal discharge, 6–33
Nasal polyps, 4–20
Nasogastric intubation
for acute abdominal pain, 3–2
after appendectomy, 4–77
Nasogastric tube decompression, 4–84
Nasotracheal intubation, 8–5
blind, 7–1
Naval Experimental Diving Unit (NEDU), 6–22
Naval special warfare combat trauma AMAL,

Nebulizer, 4–20, 4–21
Necator americanus, 5–41
examination of in secondary trauma survey, 7–4
referred pain from, 3–70
Necrotic gingival ulcers, 5–15—5–16
Necrotic ulceration, 4–60
Necrotizing enterocolitis, 3–93
Necrotizing fasciitis
differential diagnosis of, 5–100
of male genitals, 3–77
Needle aspiration
for breast abscess drainage, 3–9
in thoracentesis, 4–15, 4–16
Needle cricothyroidotomy, 8–6
Needle decompression, 6–19
Needle thoracostomy
indications for, 8–7
procedures in, 8–8
Needle thoracotomy, 3–117
Needlestick injury prophylaxis, 5–78
Neisseria, 5–32
gonorrhoeae, 4–40
identification of colonies of, 8–50
in urethral discharges, 5–26
meningitides, 4–41
Nelfinavir, 5–78
Enterobius vermicularis, 5–37
lymphatic-dwelling, 5–39—5–40
Neocobefrin, 5–20
in contact dermatitis, 4–69
for venomous fish bites, 6–15
Neoplasms, in intestinal obstruction, 4–86
for bed bug bites, 4–55
for friction foot blisters, 5–8
Nephrotic syndrome, 4–15
Nerve agents, 6–52
Nerve blockade
for equine lameness, 5–135
of foot and ankle, 5–168—5–174
indications for, 5–168
standard equipment for, 5–168
of hand and wrist, 5–164—5–168
median nerve, 5–165—5–166
radial nerve, 5–166—5–168
standard approach to, 5–163—5–164
Nerve entrapment, 5–1
Nerve impingement syndrome
rotator cuff tendonitis in, 3–70
treatment of, 3–71
shoulder pain in, 3–70
Neural tissue disease, 4–90
Neurofibroma, 4–66
Neurogenic shock, 7–13
Neuroimaging, 3–87
for mania, 3–17
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