Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


vaginal delivery, 3–87—3–93
Obstetrics, large animal, 5–130—5–131
Obstructive biliary disease, 3–114
Obstructive sleep apnea, 4–25
Occult blood, feces examination for, 8–50—8–51
Octopi, 6–14
treatment for, 6–15
Ocular conditions, disqualifying for diving, 6–21
Ocular larva migrans, 4–52
Ocular massage, 3–23
for eye injury, 3–28
for red eye, 3–25
Oligoarthritis, 3–62
Omeprazole, 4–85
Omnifloxacin, 4–13
Onchocerca volvulvus, 4–53
assessment of, 4–53
cause of, 4–53
differential diagnosis of, 4–52
follow-up for, 4–54
patient education for, 4–53
signs of, 4–53
symptoms of, 4–53
treatment for, 4–53
Ondansetron (Zofran), 6–62
Onycholysis, 4–64
Onychomycosis, 4–50
Open pneumothorax, 7–2
Operational environments
aerospace medicine, 6–31—6–37
biological warfare, 6–56—6–61
chemical weapons of mass destruction,
cold illnesses and injuries, 6–42—6–47
dive medicine, 6–1—6–30
heat-related illnesses, 6–47—6–51
high altitude illnesses, 6–37—6–42
radiation injury, 6–61—6–62
Operational issues
air evacuation phone list, 1–33
aircraft patient loads, 1–33
care under fire
assessment, 1–1—1–2
signs, 1–1
symptoms, 1–1
CASEVAC with fixed winged aircraft, 1–31
field expedient landing zone (day), 1–29f
field expedient landing zone (night), 1–30f
general medical site survey checklist,
helicopter landing sites, 1–25—1–26
hospital survey, 1–4—1–7
marking and lighting of airplane landing zone
(night), 1–32f
MedCAP planning checklist for, 1–2—1–4
naval special warfare combat trauma AMAL,
9 line MEDEVAC request, 1–23—1–24

pararescue primary medical kit packing list,
patient considerations, 1–22
semi-fixed base operations (day), 1–27f
semi-fixed base operations (night), 1–28f
site survey, veterinary annex, 1–10—1–11
suggested M5 packing list, 1–18—1–20
USAF SOF trauma ruck pack list,
USAF SOF trauma vest pack list, 1–17
Ophthalmic ointments, 5–136
Ophthalmic zoster, 4–47
for acute vision loss without trauma, 3–23
for blast injuries, 7–24
for eye injury, 3–27
for laser injury, 7–29
for orbital or periorbital inflammation, 3–26
Opiates, 5–150
for elbow dislocation, 3–67
intoxication, 5–150t
withdrawal from, 5–151t
Opioids, 8–38—8–39
Opium, tincture of, 3–19
OPQRST pain assessment mnemonic, 8–38
Optic neuritis, 3–22
Optic neuropathy, anterior ischemic
in acute vision loss, 3–22
differential diagnosis of, 3–23
Oral azoles, 5–59—5–60
Oral contraceptives
for abnormal uterine bleeding, 3–41
for chronic pelvic pain, 3–44t, 3–47
for dysmenorrhea, 3–45
for endometriosis, 3–45
Oral disorders, 5–9—5–19
Oral hygiene, 5–15—5–16
Oral rehydration solution (ORS)
for electrical or lightning injury, 7–28
indications, benefits, and cautions for, 7–15t
recipe for, 7–28
Orbital cellulitis
differential diagnosis of, 3–26—3–27
in periorbital inflammation, 3–26
treatment of, 3–27
Orbital fracture, 3–27
Orbital/periorbital inflammation, 3–26
assessment of, 3–26—3–27
follow-up, 3–27
patient education for, 3–27
signs of, 3–26
symptoms of, 3–26
treatment plan for, 3–27
Orcas, 6–17
Orchitis, 3–83
Orf virus, 4–46, 5–32
differential diagnosis of, 5–91
Organ systems. See also specific organs
veterinary, 5–123
Oropharyngeal obstruction, 3–115
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