Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


Orotracheal intubation, 8–5
Oroya fever, 5–92—5–93
Orthopedic disorders, 6–22
Orthopoxviruses, 6–59
Orthostatic hypotension, 7–12
Osteitis, localized, 5–17—5–18
assessment of, 3–73
hip pain with, 3–72
shoulder, 3–71
traumatic, 5–5
Osteomalacia, 5–138t
Osteoporosis, 5–139t
Otitis media
differential diagnosis of, 6–35
dizziness in, 3–20
serous, 3–21
treatment of, 3–21
Otoscope, with insufflation bulb, 6–1
for barotitis, 6–35
for blast injuries, 7–24
for common cold and flu, 4–10
for dizziness, 3–20
Ottawa Ankle Rules, 3–76
Con-Trate method of detection for, 8–52—8–53
in feces, 8–51—8–52
Ovarian torsion
acute pelvic pain with, 3–41, 3–42
treatment of, 3–43
bimanual examination of, 3–39
ruptured cyst of
acute pelvic pain with, 3–41, 3–42
treatment of, 3–43
Overflow incontinence, 4–90
treatment of, 4–90—4–91
Overhead cover, in decontamination area, 6–55
Overuse injuries
in hip pain, 3–72
knee, 3–76
shoulder pain with, 3–71
treatment of, 3–71
Overuse syndromes, patellar, 3–74
for cellulitris of penis, 3–78
for erysipelas, 4–42
for hip pain, 3–74
for mastitis, 3–8
for staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome,
for joint pain, 3–63
for pain control, 8–39
preparations of, 5–150
for acute respiratory distress syndrome, 4–25
for anaphylactic shock, 7–11
for atelectasis, 3–117

in cardiac resuscitation, 4–7
for congestive heart failure, 4–4
for COPD, 4–22
for decompression sickness, 6–5, 6–36
for high altitude cerebral edema, 6–39
for high altitude pulmonary edema, 6–41
for hypoxia, 6–31
partial pressure of, 6–9, 6–31
for pulmonary embolus, 4–24
for pulmonary over inflation syndrome, 6–8
RBC transport of, 4–8
saturation, 8–9—8–10
single depth exposure limits of, 6–10
for streptococcal infections, 5–100
supplementation of for vision loss, 3–23
toxicity of
assessment of, 6–10
differential diagnosis of, 6–12
in diving, 6–9
follow-up for, 6–10
patient education for, 6–10
single depth oxygen exposure limits and,
symptoms and signs of, 6–10
treatment for, 6–10
Oxygen treatment gas, 6–23
Oxygenation, 6–53
Oxyhemoglobin, 8–9
Oxymetazoline, 4–11
Oxytocin, 3–100, 3–101

P-wave analysis, 8–12
Packed red blood cells, 8–15
Pail latrine, 5–113f
acute abdominal.See Abdomen, acute pain
assessment of, 8–38
control of, 8–37
analgesics for, 8–38—8–40
for cholecystitis, 4–78
equipment for, 8–38
indications for, 8–38
OPQRST mnemonic for, 8–38
precautions in, 8–40
low back, 3–6—3–7
management of in secondary trauma survey,
Pain diary, 3–46
Palpations, 3–110
assessment of, 3–111
follow-up, 3–111
patient education for, 3–111
signs of, 3–110
symptoms of, 3–110
treatment of, 3–111
Palpitations, 3–110
cautions with, 3–56
for headache, 3–56
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