Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


differential diagnosis of, 3–94
with preterm birth, 3–93
Premature ventricular contractions
differential diagnosis of, 3–111
palpitations with, 3–110
Prepatellar bursitis, 3–75
Preseptal cellulitis
differential diagnosis of, 3–26
treatment of, 3–27
Preservation records, meat, 5–128
Pressure bandage
for cone shell injury, 6–16
for octopi bites, 6–15
for sea snake bite, 6–16
Preterm birth, 3–93
with syphilis, 5–30
Preterm labor, 3–93
follow-up, 3–95
patient education on, 3–94
signs of, 3–94
symptoms of, 3–93—3–94
treatment of, 3–94
Preventive medicine, 5–105
DNBI report in, 5–107—5–108
field sanitation in, 5–108—5–111
field water purification in, 5–118—5–120
landfill management in, 5–121
for malaria, 5–120
pest control in, 5–120—5–121
rabies control in, 5–121
required immunizations in, 5–105—5–106t
surveillance in, 5–107
waste disposal in, 5–111—5–118
Priapism, 4–89
for digital block of finger or toe, 5–163t
local infiltration of, 5–159
for malaria, 5–45
side effects of, 5–45
Primaquine phosphate, 5–44—5–45
for gout, 3–63
for pelvic inflammatory disease, 3–51
Procaine penicillin G
for acute mastitis in animals, 5–135
for rat bite fever, 5–97
airway management, 8–1—8–4
bladder catheterization, 8–33—8–35
blood transfusion, 8–14—8–18
blood transfusion reaction, 8–19—8–21
common external traction devices in, 8–33
compartment syndrome management,
cricothyroidotomy, needle and surgical,
field transfusion, 8–18
intraosseous infusion, 8–21—8–22
intubation, 8–4—8–5

joint aspiration, 8–28—8–30
laboratory, 8–40—8–62
pain assessment and control, 8–37—8–40
pericardiocentesis, 8–12—8–13
pneumatic anti-shock garment, 8–13—8–14
portable pressure chamber, 8–36—8–37
pulse oximetry monitoring, 8–9—8–10
skin mass removal, 8–26—8–28
splint application, 8–32
suprapubic bladder aspiration, 8–35—8–36
suturing, 8–22—8–25
thoracostomy, needle and chest tube,
three-lead electrocardiography, 8–10—8–12
wound debridement, 8–25—8–26
for acute mountain sickness, 6–38
for blast injury, 7–26
for dizziness, 3–21
for yellow fever, 5–70
Progressive muscle relaxation, 3–5
Prolacin secretion disorders, 3–41
PROMED network, 3–31
Promethazine, 7–26
Proparacaine, 3–28
continuous infusion of in field, 5–158t
dosing guidelines for, 5–156t
for chest pain, 3–12
for hyperthyroidism, 4–33
for palpitations, 3–111
side effects of, 3–111, 3–118
for syncope, 3–118
Propulsid, 3–110
Propylene glycol, 4–51
Prostate, painful, 3–81
Prostatitis, 3–80—3–81
assessment of, 3–81
follow-up, 3–8
patient education for, 3–82
signs of, 3–81
symptoms of, 3–80
treatment of
alternative, 3–81
with no infection, 3–81—3–82
primary, 3–81
in urinary tract infection, 4–93
Protein-sulfosalicylic acid test procedure, 8–41—8–42
Proteinuria, 8–42
Protriptyline, 4–26
Proventil, 4–22
Prozac, 3–17, 3–31
Pruritus, 3–113
assessment of, 3–114
follow-up, 3–115
with mite infestation, 4–59
patient education for, 3–115
with scabies, 4–61—4–62
in schistosomiasis, 5–46
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