Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


hantavirus, 5–68—5–69
hepatitis A, 5–71—5–72
hepatitis B, 5–72—5–73
hepatitis C, 5–73—5–75
hepatitis E, 5–75—5–77
HIV, 5–77—5–78
mononucleosis, 5–78—5–80
poliovirus, 5–80—5–81
prevention and treatment of, 5–74t
rabies, 5–81—5–83
with rash and fever, 3–112—113t
of skin
ecthyma contagiosum, 4–45—4–46
herpes zoster, 4–47
molluscum contagiosum, 4–47—4–48
warts, 4–48—4–49
yellow fever, 5–69—5–71
Viruses, 5–63—5–64
culture of, 5–64
Visceral larva migrans, 5–32
differential diagnosis of, 4–52
Visceral pain, 3–1
Vision loss
alleviating or aggravating factors in, 3–22
duration of, 3–22
with laser injury, 7–28—7–29
quality of, 3–22
without trauma
assessment of, 3–23
disorders causing, 3–22
follow-up, 3–24
patient education for, 3–23
signs of, 3–22—3–23
symptoms of, 3–22
treatment for, 3–23
Visual acuity
assessing for laser injury, 7–29
correction of, 6–21
with eye injury, 3–27
Visual field testing, 3–23
Visualization therapy, 3–5
Vital signs, 2–3
with acute abdominal pain, 3–4t
in chest pain, 3–11
in dyspnea, 3–115—3–116
in hypovolemic shock, 7–12
M5 item list for assessing, 1–18
with palpitations, 3–110
in trauma patients, 7–3
Vitamin deficiencies, 5–137—5–139t
Vitreoretinal injury, laser, 7–29
Vitreous hemorrhage
in acute vision loss, 3–22
differential diagnosis of, 3–23
treatment of, 3–23
bladder catheterization for problems with,
8 –33—8–34
normal, 4–88
Volvulus, 4–86

Vomiting, radiogenic versus psychogenic, 6–62
Vulvar pruritus, 3–114
assessment of, 3–50
follow-up for, 3–50
patient education for, 3–50
signs of, 3–49—3–50
symptoms of, 3–49
treatment for, 3–50

Warm bath, 3–47
Warm compress
for Bartholin’s gland abscess or cyst, 3–52
for chronic pelvic pain, 3–47
Warts. See also Plantar warts; Venereal warts
assessment of, 4–49
causes of, 4–48
follow-up for, 4–49
signs of, 4–48—4–49
symptoms of, 4–48
treatment for, 4–49
Washed red blood cells, 8–15—8–16
Washing powder lung, 4–18
Wasp sting, 4–57—4–59
Waste disposal, 5–111
garbage and rubbish, 5–118
human, 5–111—5–118
liquid, 5–118
contamination of
in cyclosporiasis transmission, 5–36
in Fasciola hepatica infections, 5–39
in giardiasis, 5–40
in leptospirosis, 5–86
emergency, 5–119
field purification of, 5–118—5–119
quality of, 5–119
quantity of, 5–119
treatment of, 5–119—5–120
Water-borne disease, prevention of, 5–118—5–119
Water immersion
for frostbite, 6–42
hypothermia with, 6–43
Water production points, 5–118
Water ski technique
for shoulder dislocation, 3–67
for shoulder pain, 3–71
WBC Unopette, 8–57
WBCs. See White blood cells
Weapon injuries, non-lethal, 7–28—7–29
Weapons of mass destruction
chemical, 6–51—6–54
symptoms of, 6–51
Web space digital block
of finger, 5–160f
of toe, 5–162f
control of for hypertensive emergency, 4–5
loss of, 3–29
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