Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook

(Chris Devlin) #1


Weil’s disease, 5–86
West Nile encephalitis, 5–66
Western equine encephalitis, 5–66
Wet lung syndrome. See Acute respiratory dis-
tress syndrome
Wet mount
for candida vaginitis, 3–50
procedures in, 8–43—8–44
Wet-to-dry dressings, 8–28
Wheals, 4–39
Wheezing, 4–19, 4–20
Whipworm. See Trichuriasis
White blood cells, 4–8
count of
differential, 8–58
in joint pain assessment, 3–61
on whole blood, 8–56—8–58
elevated levels in anemia, 4–9
morphological variations of, 8–58
White phosphorus burns, 7–19
Whiteheads, 4–38
Wigand maneuver, 3–99f
Woodson Plastic Instrument, 5–25
Worm infection, horse, 5–133
Wound care
after appendectomy, 4–77
in Bartholin’s gland cyst or abscess, 3–53
for burn injury, 7–22
in shoulder injury, 3–72
for venomous snake bite, 5–146
Wound debridement, 8–25—8–26
Wounded in action (WIA) casualties, 7–3—7–4
Wright stained peripheral smear, 4–8
Wright’s stain
for relapsing fever, 5–89
in Tzanck stain, 8–48
using Cameco Quik Stain, 8–46—8–47
joint aspiration at, 8–29
nerve blockade at, 5–164—5–168
Wuchereria bancrofti, 5–39

X-ray studies
for ankle pain, 3–76
for shoulder joint pain, 3–71
Xerophthalmia, 5–138t
Xerosis, 3–114
Xylazine, 5–133
Xylocaine (epinephrine)
for ingrown toenail, 5–3
lidocaine with, 5–20

Yaws, 4–63
Yeast infections, glans penis, 3–78
Yellow fever, 5–69—5–70
assessment of, 5–70
in biological warfare, 6–61
differential diagnosis of, 5–71, 5–87

follow-up for, 5–71
patient education for, 5–70—5–71
prevention and treatment of, 5–74t
required vaccination for, 5–106t
signs of, 5–70
symptoms of, 5–70
treatment for, 5–70
Yellowjacket sting, 4–57—4–59
enterocolitica, 5–32
in food poisoning, 4–79
pestis, 5–95, 6–58
pseudotuberculosis, 5–32
Yersiniosis, 5–32

Zaleplon (Sonata), 3–30
Zanamivir (Relenza), 4–11—4–12
Zebrafish, 6–13
Zidovudine/lamivudine (Combivir), 5–78
Ziehl-Neilson stain, 8–47
Zinc deficiency, 5–139t
Zinc oxide
for dental caries, 5–12
powder, 5–24
for tooth fracture, 5–13
Zinc oxide-eugenol paste, 5–12
Zithromax, 3–102
Zofran (ondansetron), 6–62
Zoloft, 3–17, 3–31
Zolpidem (Ambien), 3–30
Zoonotic diseases, 5–31—5–32
African trypanosomiasis, 5–53
American trypanosomiasis, 5–54
anthrax, 5–92
arboviral encephalitis, 5–68
Babesia in, 5–35
bartonellosis, 5–93
blastomycosis, 5–60
brucellosis, 5–94
clonorchiasis, 5–36
dermatophyte infections, 4–50—4–51
Fasciola hepatica infections, 5–39
giardiasis, 5–41
hantavirus, 5–69
histoplasmosis, 5–62
hookworm and cutaneous larva migrans,
leishmaniasis, 5–43—5–44
leptospirosis, 5–87
Lyme disease, 5–88—5–89
Mycobacterium bovis tuberculosis, 5–56
paragonimiasis, 5–46
plague, 5–97
Q fever, 5–86
rabies, 5–82—5–83
rat bite fever, 5–98
rickettsial fever, 5–84—5–85
scabies, 4–62
schistosomiasis, 5–47
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