After all, Sati had committed an offense against Lord Ram, so if the latter is
ready to forgive her and has even come personally to advocate her cause, then Shiva
must relent and also be reasonable enough to forgive her and accept her hand in
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¡Êß Á’’Ê„U„ÈU ‚Ò‹¡Á„U ÿ„U ◊ÙÁ„U ◊ʪ¥ Œ„ÈUH 76H
aba binatī mama sunahu siva jauṁ mō para nija nēhu.
jā'i bibāhahu sailajahi yaha mōhi māgēṁ dēhu. 76.
Lord Ram pleaded with Lord Shiva—‘Now oh Shiva, please pay heed to my prayers
if you really have affection for me. [In other words, if you respect me and think that I
cannot give you a wrong advice, then you must pay attention to my request.]
I have one request to make to you which please accept—Go and marry the
daughter of the mountains.’ (Doha no. 76).
[Note—Lord Ram has virtually instructed Shiva to “go and marry Uma”. Though this
instruction is made in polite manner by using such words as “it is my prayer or
request; if you have affection for me then please grant me one wish” etc., but after all
it was an explicit “order”, a clear “instruction” to “go and marry the daughter of the
So we see Shiva had no choice, and he has made this clear in verse nos. 1-4 that
follow herein below. Shiva could not imagine defying the orders of his most beloved
Lord Ram. It also helped Shiva to overcome his reluctance and any sense of guilt at
having to break his vows of remaining a renunciate for the rest of his life—for he had
to obey his Lord, Sri Ram whose commands take a precedence over everything else.]
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Á‚⁄U œÁ⁄U •Êÿ‚È ∑§Á⁄U• ÃÈEgÊ⁄UÊ – ¬⁄U◊ œ⁄U◊È ÿ„U ŸÊÕ „U◊Ê⁄UÊH 2H
kaha siva jadapi ucita asa nāhīṁ. nātha bacana puni mēṭi na jāhīṁ. 1.
sira dhari āyasu kari'a tumhārā. parama dharamu yaha nātha hamārā. 2.
Lord Shiva said to Lord Ram—“Though it is not proper to do so^1 (i.e. marry Uma),
but nevertheless oh Lord, it is not possible to defy your words. (1)
It is my most auspicious and holy duty to obey your orders by keeping them
on my head (i.e. by bowing my head and accepting your orders)^2.
[That is, it is obligatory for me, who am your devotee and worshipper, to
honour your words and do as you tell me without asking questions. I accept your
advice with a bowed head.] (2)
[Note—^1 What was “not proper to do?” Why was Shiva reluctant to marry Uma?
After Shiva had decided that he will renounce all links with Sati and lead a life of
renunciation and dispassion like a hermit, spending his time in mediation and
contemplation, repeating the holy name of Lord Ram, preaching about him and
hearing his divine stories being narrarted at different hermitages on sages and saints
on earth, and generally living a life of a Sanyasi (a reclusive hermit or ascectic), it