The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1
Kaamdeo so that this difficult task—of making Shiva marry and produce an off
spring who would kill the demon Taarkaasur—could be successfully accomplished.
If an unscrupulous and pervert man gets special powers, they go to his head, and
he becomes tyrannical. This has happened with the demons (Taarkaasur and Ravana),
and this happened with Kaamdeo. And what was the result? It led to their ultimate
downfall and elimination. The demons had all died, and so did Kaamdeo (refer:
Chaupai line no. 6 that precedes Doha no. 87).]

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saba kē hṛdayam̐ madana abhilāṣā. latā nihāri navahiṁ taru sākhā. 1.
nadīṁ umagi ambudhi kahum̐ dhā'īṁ. saṅgama karahiṁ talāva talā'īṁ. 2.

[The following verses describe the situation that prevailed in this world when
Kaamdeo, the god who personifies lust, passion, desires and yearning for sensual
gratification, spread his tentacles to embrace every form of life. Not only the members
of the animal kingdom who are less likely to hide their innate desire for sensual
gratification and longing for sex, but even the plants and other entities such as the
rivers and lakes that usually do not show any visual signs of such desires too began to
exhibit these traits in an immoral manner.]
Everyone (the animate creatures as well as the inanimate constituents of the
world) were overcome with lust and passions. All desired sensual gratification and
yearned for sexual pleasures. For instance, the branches of trees (considered to be a
male gender) bowed to reach and touch the creepers (considered to be a female
gender) as soon as they sighted the latter^1. (1)
Rivers (considered to be a female gender) could not contain their passion, and
therefore heaved in spate as they rushed towards the ocean (considered to be a male
Even the lakes and ponds^2 broke all rules of Nature and overran their banks to
meet each other to unite. (2)
[Note—^1 Usually the creeper moves up the trunk of a tree and wraps itself around the
branches. But under the influence of Kaamdeo, the branches lost their patience, and
instead of waiting for the creepers to come up and wrap themselves around these
branches, the latter bent down as soon as they saw the creepers so that they can touch
them and caress them even while the creepers were still on the trunk of the tree.

(^2) The lakes are larger water bodies as compared to the ponds. But both are of the
same gender as primarily both exhibit the same basic characteristic feature of being
static water bodies as compared to the river and the ocean which are flowing water
bodies. Therefore, the lake and the pond are metaphors for the transgender or
transsexual component of the world. Even these components of creation could not
exercise restraint, and broke all norms of Nature to engage in union and embrace.
This is indicated by the statement that the lakes and ponds broke the barrier of their
banks and united.]

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