one else would be able to inject in the heart of Lord Shiva a desire to marry other than
Kaamdeo. As has been explained earlier, Kaamdeo had to prepare a background that
would be conducive to his campaign just like a clever strategist prepares a
comprehensive plan to succeed. The time that elapsed between Kaamdeo taking his
leave from the gods and going on his mission, and his actually reaching Lord Shiva
was approximately two Gharis as cited here. This was the time when laschiviousness
and promiscuity spread like a moral contagious disease throughout the length and
breadth of the world.]
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÷∞ ÃÈ⁄Uà ‚’ ¡Ëfl ‚ÈπÊ⁄U – Á¡Á◊ ◊Œ ©UÃÁ⁄U ª∞° ◊ÃflÊ⁄UH 3H
sivahi bilōki sasaṅkē'u mārū. bhaya'u jathāthiti sabu sansārū. 2.
bha'ē turata saba jīva sukhārē. jimi mada utari ga'ēm̐ matavārē. 3.
As soon as Kaamdeo saw Lord Shiva, he was so scared that all his enthusiasm
vanished, his zeal ebbed, and he felt crestfallen and limp (like a deflated balloon or a
flaccid and shrunken flower)^1. And as soon as this happened, the world regained its
earlier composure and stability of the mind and heart^2. (2)
As soon as stability returned and the restlessness caused by the fire of lust and
passion that was aroused by Kaamdeo doused itself, all the Jivas (living beings)
became calm and happy just like a drunken person who feels relieved when his
intoxicated feeling subsides and his severe hangover ends^3. (3)
[Note—^1 Kaamdeo had a premonition of death when the gods had asked him to go and
disturb Lord Shiva’s meditation—refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line
no. 4 that precedes Doha no. 84.
Remember: It is very dangerous to disturb an ascetic’s meditation, and it a sure
way of inviting his wrath. When Kaamdeo saw Lord Shiva sitting in deep meditation,
a chill ran down his spine, and he was sure that he is playing with fire. Just as fire is
unforgiving, Shiva’s wrath would certainly be ruinous for Kaamdeo. The Lord’s
formidable personality and his awe-inspiring posture adopted during meditation were
chilling like ice.
(^2) The negative quality of lust, passion, laschiviousness, promiscuity and sexual
perversion makes a man weak in his heart, anxious in his mind, and wobbly in his
knees. He loses his strength that comes with morality and good character, and instead
of being bold, straightforward and outgoing he becomes sly, deceitful, surreptitious
and scheming, suspicious of all around him and losing faith in his own self as well as
others. It is just like a thief who wishes to hide his real intentions when interacting
with the world, and is always suspicious of everyone around him. Surely, one cannot
expect to have mental peace and calmness of the heart in this condition. Immoral
conduct keeps pricking at the sub-conscious mind of all the creatures, robbing them
of their happiness and peace. They are filled with unending anxiety and restlessness.
So, as soon as Kaamdeo, who is the patron god ruling over these negative trait of
lust and passion and their attendent problems which make a creature overactive and
fidgety, felt terrified on seeing Lord Shiva’s majestic form while the Lord was
submerged in deep meditation, the daredevilery in his heart subsided and he felt
flaccid and limp like a shrunken flower or a deflated balloon. This effect cascaded
down to all the creatures, affecting their behaviour: all their enthusiasm and zeal
towards sexual inclinations immediately ebbed and abated like a river whose source
of water has suddenly gone dry, or a balloon from which the air suddenly escapes.
(^3) If a man, who has not drunk wine in his life, is made to gulp down a glass of the
intoxicating liquid, he feels very uneasy till the time the drink remains inside his