The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1

(^2) Lord Shiva’s two conventional eyes represent the Sun and the Moon, while the
‘third eye’ represents the fire element that burns all forms of corruptions and
perversions prevalent in this world and purifies it from its impurities. That is why it is
called the ‘eye of wisdom’—the eye that helps a creature to eliminate all forms of
delusions and its attendent moral corruption and evil tendencies so that his mind and
heart becomes holy and pure.
The possession of the third eye has entitled Lord Shiva to be called ‘Trinetrum’,
the Lord with three eyes.]

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hāhākāra bhaya'u jaga bhārī. ḍarapē sura bha'ē asura sukhārī. 7.
samujhi kāmasukhu sōcahiṁ bhōgī. bha'ē akaṇṭaka sādhaka jōgī. 8.

As soon as Kaamdeo was reduced to ashes, a wail of lamentation resounded through
the world which instilled fear in the heart of gods (i.e. they were alarmed) while the
demons felt happy and gratified^1. (7)
The thought of having to lose the pleasure derived from sensual gratification
and sexual fulfilement made those who were passionate and lustful by their nature
sad, whereas spiritual aspirants and ascetics for whom such temptations were causing
a lot of misery and headache were relieved because this tormenting thorn was
removed from their way^2. (8)
[Note—^1 Why were the gods alarmed and scared, while the demons felt happy?
Here’s the answer: The gods had sent Kaamdeo to wake Shiva up from his meditation
so that the latter could be married and produce a son who would kill the demon
Taarkaasur (refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, from Chaupai line no. 5 that
precedes Doha no. 82—to Chaupai line no. 7 that precedes Doha no. 83). But
unfortunately Shiva has burnt Kaamdeo who was the patron deity of love and
passion. This being the case, it became very difficult to make Shiva fall in love with
Parvati and be passionate enough to produce a son from her.
Another reason for the gods feeling afraid is that they apprehended that when
Shiva comes to realise, sooner or later, that it was at the behest of the gods that
Kaamdeo had disturbed him, he would surely punish the entire pantheon of gods as
he had once done earlier when he (Shiva) had sent his disciple Virbhadra to punish
the gods because they had tacitly supported Daksha Prajapati by participating in the
fire sacrifice organised by him though Daksha had insulted Shiva. Virbhadra had
beaten the gods mercilessly without exception, and had chased them away (refer:
Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line nos. 1-3 that precede Doha no. 65). So
now, the gods feared that the same fate awaits them once again when Shiva comes to
know the facts.
The reason for the demons feeling glad is now they were sure that Shiva would
not fall in the honey-trap of marriage and loving a woman, and without these
preconditions being fulfilled there was no chance of him ever producing a son who
would kill them (the demons) as prophesied by Brahma (refer: Ram Charit Manas,
Baal Kand, Doha no. 82).

(^2) The innate desires for physical comfort and pleasure, for self gratification and
seeking happiness from the gross sense objects of this material world that are present
in every human being are very strong and too difficult to resist and overcome.
Ascetics and hermits are supposed to lead an austre life marked by renunciation,
detachment and dispassion; they are supposed to exercise exemplary self-control over
all their insincts and impulses. Kaamdeo constantly plays spoil-sport with them. Since

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