The way Rati would meet her husband once again is narrated in detail in Srimad
Bhagwat Maha-Puran, Skandha 10, Canto 55. A brief outline is summarised in the
following verse nos. 1-2 herein below.]
øı0. ¡’ ¡ŒÈ’¢‚ ∑ΧcŸ •flÃÊ⁄UÊ – „UÙßÁ„U „U⁄UŸ ◊„UÊ ◊Á„U÷Ê⁄UÊH 1H
∑ΧcŸ ßÿ „UÙßÁ„U ¬Áà ÃÙ⁄UÊ – ’øŸÈ •ãÿÕÊ „UÙß Ÿ ◊Ù⁄UÊH 2H
jaba jadubansa kṛṣna avatārā. hō'ihi harana mahā mahibhārā. 1.
kṛṣna tanaya hō'ihi pati tōrā. bacanu an'yathā hō'i na mōrā. 2.
Lord Shiva told Rati—‘When the Lord (Vishnu) will manifest himself as Lord
Krishna in the clan (family) of Yadus (of Vrindavan) for the purpose of removing
(eliminating) the burden of the earth (just like the case of Lord Ram’s incarnation in
the race of king Raghu of Ayodhya) (1)---
---Your husband would be born as Krishna’s son (named “Pradumna”). [In
other words, Krishna’s son would be your husband.]^1
My words don’t go in vain^2. [Therefore, please have patience and wait till that
time, and be assured that you will be reunited with your husband Kaamdeo at that
time.] (2)
[Note—^1 The story of Pradumna and his marriage with Rati is narrated in Srimad
Bhagwat Maha-Puran, Skandha 10, Uttaraardha, Canto 55. This story in brief is this:
Krishna’s son named ‘Pradumna’ was stolen by the demon named ‘Shambraasur’
from his parent’s home while still he was an infant of 10 days. Shambraasur threw the
infant in the ocean to kill him. Luckily, one huge fish gulped him down. This fish was
caught by fishermen who were surprised at its huge size. So they decided to gift it to
their king Shambraasur to please him. When his cook cut the abdomen of this fish in
order to cook it, he saw the child cocooned inside it. He gave the child to the head of
the royal kitchen, a lady named ‘Mayawati’. This lady was actually Rati who was
waiting to be reunited with her husband Kaamdeo.
At that moment, the celestial sage Narad arrived and informed her about this
child being Kaamdeo. Mayawati took proper care of Pradumna till he grew up. She
enlightened him about everything—his past life and who she was. She taught him the
secret way of killing Shambraasur by using Maya (delusions and deceit).
After freeing themselves from the clutches of this demon, both Mayawati and
Pradumna went to Rukmani, the consort of Lord Krishna and narrated the entire
episode to her. Pradumna’s parents, Lord Krishna and Rukmani, were very happy on
seeing their son once again. In due course of time, Pradumna was married to
Mayawati who had saved his life.
2When Manu and Satrupa had done Tapa to have the rare privilege of seeing
Lord Vishnu as their son, the Lord had revealed himself before them and had assured
them that he will become their son as desired by them. The Lord had told them that
there is no doubt that this will happen as he is true to his words just like Shiva telling
Rati that what he has told her would really come true. Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal
Kand, Chaupai line nos. 1-6 that precede Doha no. 152.]
⁄UÁà ªflŸË ‚ÈÁŸ ‚¢∑§⁄U ’ÊŸË – ∑§ÕÊ •¬⁄U •’ ∑§„U©°U ’πÊŸËH 3H
rati gavanī suni saṅkara bānī. kathā apara aba kaha'um̐ bakhānī. 3.
Reassured by the words of Lord Shiva, Rati went away satisfied.