The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1

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jauṁ maiṁ siva sēyē asa jānī. prīti samēta karma mana bānī. 4.
tau hamāra pana sunahu munīsā. karihahiṁ satya kṛpānidhi īsā. 5.

If I have served Lord Shiva with full knowledge of these facts, if I have served Lord
Shiva with affection and devotion using all my faculties such as my deeds, heart and
mind, as well as words^1 (4)---
---Then listen sages, Isha (Lord God; Shiva), who is an ocean of mercy and
compassion, will surely make my vows fruitful and oblige me^2. (5)
[Note—^1 Sati had expressed this same confidence when she had prayed to Lord
Ram while asking the latter to relieve her of the agony of separation from Shiva:
refer—Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Doha no. 59 along with its preceding Chaupai
line nos. 4-8.
Even Shiva had acknowledged Sati’s love and devotion for himself: refer—Ram
Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Doha no. 56.

(^2) Parvati’s devotion for Shiva was unquestioned because even at the time of her
death in her previous life as Sati, she had asked Lord God to be able to serve Lord
Shiva in her next life: refer—Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line nos. 5-6
that precede Doha no. 65.]

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tumha jō kahā hara jārē'u mārā. sō'i ati baṛa abibēku tumhārā. 6.
tāta anala kara sahaja subhā'ū. hima tēhi nikaṭa jā'i nahiṁ kā'ū. 7.
ga'ēm̐ samīpa sō avasi nasā'ī. asi manmatha mahēsa kī nā'ī. 8.

Now let me (Parvati) come to your statement that ‘Har (Shiva) has burnt Kaamdeo to
death’ (refer: Doha no. 89). This shows that you are very ignorant of facts. [You look
as if you are a group of seven wise sages, but in fact it appears to me that you are
foolish beyond imagination. Your statement that Shiva burnt Kaamdeo is a proof of
this. Do you realise why I am saying this? Well, listen to me—] (6)
Dear sages, it is a fact of Nature that snow never goes near ‘fire’. [Don’t you
know why? Well, I will tell you—] (7)
It is certain that if snow goes near fire then it is definitely going to be
annihilated. [The heat of the fire would surely melt snow even if the former does not
wish to do so, or the latter had involuntarily come near the fire. It is the inherent
character of fire that it does not allow snow to survive in its vicinity.]
The same principle applies to Mahesh (Shiva) and Manmath (Kaamdeo)^2.
[That is, just like snow cannot survive in the presence of fire, the negative trait of
passion and lust cannot exist within the jurisdiction of Shiva. Therefore, what is
surprising in Shiva burning Kaamdeo? You can’t play fools with fire; it is surely
going to scorch you. I had thought that seven were elderly wise sages, but your
intellect seems inadequate.]’ (8)
[Note—^1 Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Ayodhya Kand, Chaupai line no. 4 that precedes
Doha no. 92 where Laxman tells Nishad, the chief of the boatmen community, that
“no one is responsible for one’s sorrows or happiness except one’s own self and the
deeds one does in his life”.

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