The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1
someone who is so angry and unforgiving by nature, and who has no desire to
welcome emotions of love and affection, one who is not passionate about his
relationships and responsibilities.

(^2) But as soon as he heard that Shiva had blessed Rati immediately after having
burnt her husband Kaamdeo, that she will be reunited with him, he felt reassured,
because this meant that Shiva’s anger was superficial and transient, that he was very
merciful, compassionate and considerate by his nature inspite of showing apparent
anger, and that he did not despise a union between a faithful and loving wife and her
husband. Therefore, if his daughter Parvati has true love for Shiva then she can
expect consideration and compassionate treatment from him though he is an ascetic
who has renounced all family ties.]

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hṛdayam̐ bicāri sambhu prabhutā'ī. sādara munibara li'ē bōlā'ī. 3.
sudinu sunakhatu sugharī sōcā'ī. bēgi bēdabidhi lagana dharā'ī. 4.
patrī saptariṣinha sō'i dīnhī. gahi pada binaya himācala kīnhī. 5.

Himwaan thought over the matter and glorified Lord Shiva’s virtues in his heart. After
that, he respectfully summoned the sages^1 (who had been residing in his realm to
consult them and seek their blessings so that the marriage process could be taken
forward). (3)
The king consulted them and got an auspicious day, asterism and time fixed
for the marriage ceremony in accordance with the procedure and principles fixed by
the Vedas (primary scriptures) for this purpose^2. (4)
Then Himaachal got this written in the form of a formal proposal-letter known
as a “Patri” that made this announcement, and handed it over to the Sapta-rishis after
paying his due respects to them by clasping their feet as a token gesture to express his
gratitude towards them^3. (5)
[Note—^1 It was an established custom that all elders and wise people living in a king’s
kingdom were called by him on special occasions. This was done to discuss the
situation with them and seek their overall guidance and blessings. The seven celestial
sages known as the Sapta-rishis were already present, and so the king summoned
other sages who had been living in the mountains to pursue their spiritual objectives
in life. There were a lot many sages, saints, seers and hermits living in the peaceful
environs of the mountains where Parvati’s father ruled—refer: Ram Charit Manas,
Baal Kand, Chaupai line no. 8 that precedes Doha no. 65. All of them were invited.

(^2) We find a parallel to this sequence of events when Sita was married to Lord
Ram. Sita’s father, king Janak, too had sent a “Patri” to king Dasrath, the father of
Lord Ram, inviting the latter to attend the marriage. Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal
Kand, Chaupai line nos. 1-2 that precede Doha no. 287; Chaupai line nos. 1-6 that
precede Doha no. 290; and Chaupai line nos. 1-2 that precede Doha no. 295.
(^3) King Himwaan was highly grateful towards the Sapta-rishis because they had
been instrumental in removing any iota of doubt relating to mutual trust and faith
between his daughter Parvati and her future husband Shiva. They had put themselves
at grave risk by teasing Parvati inspite of knowing that she is destined to be a divine
and powerful consort of Lord Shiva, the mighty Lord God who controls death. What
if she decided to take revenge upon them after she marries Lord Shiva and acquires
her powerful position as a great goddess in the hierarchy of heaven?

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