merry-making is observed—refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Doha no. 302 and
its preceding Chaupai line no. 8.]
ß„UÊ° Á„U◊Êø‹ ⁄Uø©U Á’ÃÊŸÊ – •Áà Á’ÁøòÊ Ÿ®„U ¡Êß ’πÊŸÊH 2H
ihām̐ himācala racē'u bitānā. ati bicitra nahiṁ jā'i bakhānā. 2.
Meanwhile, Himaachal (the king of the mountains and the father of Parvati) began
preparations for the marriage ceremony of his daughter.
He got a wonderful marriage pavilion erected. It was so fantastic that it defies
description^1. (2)
[Note—^1 Refer to Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, from Chaupai line no. 6 that
precedes Doha no. 287—to Chaupai line no. 3 that precedes Doha no. 289 that
describe the pavilion that was prepared for the marriage ceremony of Lord Ram with
Sita. Though it is not described elaborately here, it is certain that Himaachal would
have got a similar pavilion constructed for the marriage ceremony of his daughter
Parvati with Lord Shiva.
Refer also to “Parvati Mangal”, verse no. 86.]
‚Ò‹ ‚∑§‹ ¡„°U ‹Áª ¡ª ◊Ê„UË¢ – ‹ÉÊÈ Á’‚Ê‹ Ÿ®„U ’⁄UÁŸ Á‚⁄UÊ„UË¥H 3H
’Ÿ ‚ʪ⁄U ‚’ ŸŒË¥ ËÊflÊ – Á„U◊ÁªÁ⁄U ‚’ ∑§„È°U Ÿflà ¬ΔUÊflÊH 4H
saila sakala jaham̐ lagi jaga māhīṁ. laghu bisāla nahiṁ barani sirāhīṁ. 3.
bana sāgara saba nadīṁ talāvā. himagiri saba kahum̐ nēvata paṭhāvā. 4.
All the mountains and hills that were in existence anywhere in this world, whether
they were small or huge but were nonetheless beyond description or counting (3)---
---All the different forests, oceans, rivers and ponds—Himgiri (or
“Himaachal”, the king of snow-covered mountains) sent invitations to all of them to
come and attend the marriage ceremony of his daughter. (4)
[Note—‘Himaachal’, the personified form of the mighty Himalayan mountain range,
was the emperor amongst all the primary inhabitants of earth since the time the latter
came into existence. Other primary inhabitants of earth were the countless mountains,
hills, forests, rivers, lakes and ponds that covered the surface of the earth before other
living beings began to make it their home.
The world is divided into two major categories—viz. the inanimate world and the
animate world. The mountains, forests and rivers constitute the first category.
However, for the purpose of our narration, these entities have been personified into
virtual living entities.
Since “Himaachal” represented the mighty Himalayan mountain range which is
the greatest mountain on earth, ‘he’ (personified Himalayas in the form of
‘Himaachal’) was like an emperor in the society of mountains and hills, and their
cousins represented by the countless forests, rivers and ponds all of which were part
of earth ever since its origin. So when his daughter was to be married he naturally
invited all the members of his society consisting of other mountains, hills, rivers and
ponds to participate in the ceremony.
Therefore, all these aspects of Nature and primary inhabitants of Mother Earth
took the form of attractive males and females to join in the celebration marking the
union of Lord Shiva with Parvati as narrated in verse no. 5 herein below.
Refer also to “Parvati Mangal”, verse nos. 84—85.]