The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1
thing. The idea that is being conveyed is that when Lord Shiva and Parvati were
united, there was celebration through the length and breadth of this creation.
Everyone rejoiced in every corner of the world, whether it was in the heaven or the
earth or the nether world, or whether one lived in the north, the east, the south or the
west in any of the worlds.]

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dāsīṁ dāsa turaga ratha nāgā. dhēnu basana mani bastu bibhāgā. 7.
anna kanakabhājana bhari jānā. dā'ija dīnha na jā'i bakhānā. 8.

[Parvati’s father gave abundant marriage gifts which are briefly outlined here.]
Female and male servants or attendants, horses, chariots, elephants, milch
cows, clothes, gems and other valuable things of different kinds---(7)
---Cereals and pulses, as well as golden utensils etc. were given as marriage
gift by the cart-load by the father of Parvati. These gifts were so large and of such
huge quantity that one is not able to describe them. (8)
[Note—Refer: “Parvati Mangal”, line nos. 3-4 of Chanda no. 15.
Sita’s father, king Janak, too had given Lord Ram cart-loads of such marriage
gifts as narrated in Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, (i) Chaupai line nos. 2-7 that
precede Doha no. 326; (ii) Doha no. 333 along with Chaupai line nos. 4-8 that
precede it, and Chaupai line no. 1 that follow it.]

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dā'ija diyō bahu bhām̐ti puni kara jōri himabhūdhara kahyaō. 1.
kā dē'um̐ pūranakāma saṅkara carana paṅkaja gahi rahyaō. 2.
sivam̐ kṛpāsāgara sasura kara santōṣu saba bhām̐tihiṁ kiyō. 3.
puni gahē pada pāthōja mayanām̐ prēma paripūrana hiyō. 4.

Himwaan gave an abundance of marriage gifts. Then he respectfully joined his palms
and stood before Lord Shiva. He said—(Chanda line no. 1)
‘Oh Lord Shankar, what can I give you? You have everything at your disposal
in this creation, and there is nothing that you want.’ Saying this, and unable to say
anything more (as he was overwhelmed with emotions), Himwaan reverentially
clasped the holy feet of Lord Shiva*^1. (Chanda line no. 2)
Lord Shiva, who is an ocean of grace, mercy and kindness, reassured and
comforted his father-in-law (Himwaan) in every possible way. [The Lord assured
Himwaan that he need not worry at all for he understood the latter’s emotions as well
as his affection for him.]^2. (Chanda line no. 3)

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