The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1

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jabahiṁ sambhu kailāsahiṁ ā'ē. sura saba nija nija lōka sidhā'ē. 3.

When Lord Sambhu (Shiva) arrived at Mt. Kailash (his abode), all the gods (who had
joined the marriage party of the Lord) returned to their own respective homes^1. (3)
[Note—^1 When Lord Ram’s marriage party returned home to Ayodhya, king Dasrath,
the father of Lord Ram, had expressed his thanks to all the guests who had come to
join the marriage celebrations by showing great respect to them and giving them
abundant gifts and honours. Then all of them, including the gods in the heaven, went
away happily to their respective homes, cheerfully talking about the glorious events
of the past days when they had witnessed the joyous events associated with the divine
marriage of Lord Ram with Sita, praising their own immense good luck at having
been able to witness this divine ceremony, blessing the couple and their father king
Dasrath, and in general being ecstatic and exhilarated at the wonderful experience
they had had during the entire episode. Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Doha
no. 353 along with its preceding Chaupai line nos. 1-8.]

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jagata mātu pitu sambhu bhavānī. tēhiṁ singāru na kaha'um̐ bakhānī. 4.
karahiṁ bibidha bidhi bhōga bilāsā. gananha samēta basahiṁ kailāsā. 5.
hara girijā bihāra nita naya'ū. ēhi bidhi bipula kāla cali gaya'ū. 6.

Lord Sambhu and Bhavaani are the Father and the Mother of the entire universe (the
“Jagat”, the living world) respectively^1. I will therefore not describe (or I shall refrain
from narrating about) their physical charm and their love for each other (because it
would be highly indecent, indignified, and vilolative of traditional norms of the
society to do so). (4)
While living in Mt. Kailash with their attendants, Lord Shiva and Bhavaani
enjoyed their married life in different ways. [And for reasons cited above in verse no.
4, it is absolutely not proper to detail how they lived in their marital home and how
they enjoyed their married life.] (5)
Every day they enjoyed themselves, and every day there was a new way by
which they jovially entertained each other. In this way, a long time passed cheerfully.
[Note—^1 Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, (i) Chaupai line nos. 2-4 that precede
Doha no. 98; and (ii) Chuapai line nos. 5-8 and Chanda line nos. 1-2 that precede
Doha no. 100.]

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