---All such faults have spread thoughout this world, but they never go near this
holy mountain. [It is out of bounds for them. So therefore, the atmosphere of the place
was exemplarily holy, spiritual and blissful.] (3)
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taham̐ basi harihi bhaja'i jimi kāgā. sō sunu umā sahita anurāgā. 4.
pīpara taru tara dhyāna sō dhara'ī. jāpa jagya pākari tara kara'ī. 5.
ām̐ba chām̐ha kara mānasa pūjā. taji hari bhajanu kāju nahiṁ dūjā. 6.
bara tara kaha hari kathā prasaṅgā. āvahiṁ sunahiṁ anēka bihaṅgā. 7.
Now I shall describe to you how the Crow (Kaagbhusund) lived and worshipped Lord
Hari (Vishnu) there. Uma, listen to it attentively and with great reverence (because it
is about a holy soul and a holy place). (4)
He used to do ‘Dhyan’ (meditation and contemplation) under the shadow of
the Pipar tree (the bo-tree; the long-pepper tree). Under the Paakar tree (the Indian fig
tree), he used to do Japa (repetition of holy name of the Lord God) and Yagya (fire
sacrifices). (5)
In the shadow of the mango tree he used to worship ‘Manas’, the holy book
that describes the divine story of Lord Ram (who was an incarnation of the Supreme
Lord on earth in the form of a human). Excepting worshipping Lord Hari and
spending his time in devotion for the Lord, he had no other thing to do. [That is,
Kaagbhusund spent his time entirely on Lord Hari, remembering him and doing his
service. He was totally devoted to the remembrance of the Lord.] (6)
Under the shadow of the Vat tree (the banayan tree), he used to regularly tell
the divine stories related to Lord Hari^1. Many birds came there to hear him. (7)
[Note—^1 The word “Hari” here clearly refers to Lord Ram because it is said in verse
no. 6 that Kaagbhusund used to worship the holy book called “Manas” under the
mango tree. This “Manas” is the book that describes the life and deeds of Lord Ram.
In fact, both the terms “Hari” and “Ram” refer to the same Lord Vishnu because Ram
was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, and Hari is one of the many names of Vishnu.
This conclusion is endorsed by the next verse no. 8 which explicitly says that
Kaagbhusund preached the story of Lord Ram.
Kaagbhusund straddled all the four divisions of the cycle of creation known Sat
Yug, Treta Yug, Dwapar Yug and Kali Yug. The entire one cycle of creation is
symbolically represented in one day of his life. This is how:-
The characteristics of the four Yugs are written in Ram Charit Manas, Uttar
Kand, Doha no. 103 along with its preceding Chaupai line nos. 1-4. It says that (i)
during Sat Yug, the best way for spiritual evolvement and obtaining religious merit
was to do Dhyan (meditation and contemplation); (ii) in Treta Yug, it was doing
Yagya (fire sacrifice); (iii) in Dwapar Yug one was required to worship the holy feet
of Lord Ram; and (iv) in Kali Yug the only way is to remember the Lord and repeat
his holy name.
We find that Kaagbhusund did all these during the course of his day.]