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rāma carita bicitra bidhi nānā. prēma sahita kara sādara gānā. 8.
sunahiṁ sakala mati bimala marālā. basahiṁ nirantara jē tēhiṁ tālā. 9.
Lord Ram’s story which describes the Lord’s deeds and life is very fascinating,
strange and wonderful. He (Kaagbhusund, the saintly Crow) sang it soulfully and with
the greatest of devotion in different ways. [The story of Lord Ram’s divine life is
heart-touching and soul-stirring, and it made Kaagbhusund so emotional and
sentimental that his narration assumed the form of a devotional song, a hymn that he
sang with an ecstatic heart and an overwhelmed mind that god submerged in emotions
of love and devotion for the Lord. He sang like a lark, exhilarated and cheerful.] (8)
All those who had a purified mind and intellect listened to it. And those who
listened to it had their mind and intellect purified.
In this way, the saintly Crow always lived near that holy lake. [That is, he
never went anywhere else.] (9)
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jaba maiṁ jā'i sō kautuka dēkhā. ura upajā ānanda bisēṣā. 10.
When I went there and saw this unique spectacle, my heart was full of intense
happiness and bliss; I was overjoyed. [I was searching for such an environment where
I can find peace of mind, where I can spend some time living in a pleasant
surrounding and hear the divine story of my beloved Lord Ram being narrated with
full devotion. I found all these requirements fulfilled there, so I decided to stay there
for some time.] (10)
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‚ÊŒ⁄U ‚ÈÁŸ ⁄UÉÊȬÁà ªÈŸ ¬ÈÁŸ •Êÿ©°U ∑Ò§‹Ê‚H 57H
taba kachu kāla marāla tanu dhari taham̐ kīnha nivāsa.
sādara suni raghupati guna puni āya'um̐ kailāsa. 57.
[I did not want to attract attention, so—] I disguised my self as a Swan and lived there
for some time, reverentially listening to the divine story of Lord Raghunath (i.e. Lord
Ram who was the Lord of the Raghu dynasty of Ayodhya) being narrated there.
After some time, I returned to Mt. Kailash. (Doha no. 57)
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girijā kahē'um̐ sō saba itihāsā. maiṁ jēhi samaya gaya'um̐ khaga pāsā. 1.
Oh Girija, I have told you the entire history of the time when I had gone near the
Crow. (1)