The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1

13-14. With immense affection and honest faith, Maina (the mother of Parvati) fell
down repeatedly at the sage’s feet, and said, ‘Oh sage! Please listen to my prayers.
You are a very wise and thoughtful sage not only in all the three worlds (i.e.
the heavens, terrestrial world and the nether world) but also in all the three periods of
time (i.e. in the past, the present and the future). [That is, no one is wiser than you in
this world—no one was, no one is, and no one would ever be.] Hence, oh Narad, do
tell me about a suitable groom for Parvati.’ (14)
[Note—A variation of this request appears in Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Doha
no. 66 where the parents ask Narad to tell them about the good news as well as the
bad news regarding their daughter and her future. Here, they do not enquire directly
about her would-be groom.]

eqfu dg pkSng Hkqou fQjm¡ tx tg¡ tg¡A

fxfjcj lqfu; ljguk jkmfj rg¡ rg¡AA15AA

Hkwfj Hkkx rqe lfjl drgq¡ dksm ukfguA

dNq u vxe lc lqxe Hk;ks fcf/k nkfguAA16AA

muni kaha caudaha bhuvana phira'um̐ jaga jaham̐ jaham̐.
giribara suniya sarahanā rā'uri taham̐ taham̐. 15.
bhūri bhāga tuma sarisa katahum̐ kō'u nāhina.
kachu na agama saba sugama bhayō bidhi dāhina. 16.

15-16. Narad replied, ‘Oh king Himwan! You are the best amongst the mountain
kings. Wherever I go in the fourteen Bhuvans of the universe (i.e. all the corners of
the celestial globe) during the course of my wanderings, I have always heard your
glories being sung and you being greately praised everwhere. (15)
No one is as lucky and fortunate as you are. Nothing is inaccessible for you in
this world; everything is possible because the creator has been very favourable and
benignant towards you. (16)
[Note—Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, from Chaupai line no. 7 that precedes
Doha no. 65—to Chaupai line no. 4 that precedes Doha no. 66.
According to the Padma Puran, the fourteen Bhuvans are the following—(A) The
upper worlds called Urdhva Lokas are seven in number:—(i) Bhu, (ii) Bhuvha, (iii)
Swaha (iv) Maha, (v) Janaha, (vi) Tapaha, and (vii) Satyam. (B) The seven nether
worlds or lower worlds called Adhaha Loka:—(i) Atal, (ii) Vital, (iii) Sutal, (iv)
Rasaatal, (v) Talaatal, (vi) Mahaatal, and (vii) Paataal. The total number of Lokas is,
therefore, fourteen.]

nkfgu Hk, fcf/k lqxe lc lqfu rtgq fpr fpark ubZA

c# çFke fcjok fcjfp fcjP;ks eaxyk eaxyebZAA

fcf/kyksd pjpk pyfr jkmfj prqj prqjkuu dghA

fgeokuq dU;k tksxq c# jkmj fccq/k cafnr lghAA2AA

dāhina bha'ē bidhi sugama saba suni tajahu cita cintā na'ī.
baru prathama biravā biraci biracyō maṅgalā maṅgalama'ī.
bidhilōka caracā calati rā'uri catura caturānana kahī.
himavānu kan'yā jōgu baru rā'ura bibudha bandita sahī. 2.

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