The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1

17-18. Narad continued—‘My heart is also inspired to think on the same line as that
of Brahma. That is, I also think that she will get a quirky, eccentric and crazy groom.’
Hearing these words of Narad, Uma (Parvati) felt very glad and happy in her heart.^1
[Why did she feel glad and happy. It was because it is already decided who her
husband would be, and that he will not be an ordinary person but one who will be the
most exalted amongst the Gods so much so that all of them would worship and revere
him. Say, who will not be happy to get such a husband who will be the Lord of the
world, and who will command respect even by the Gods?] (17)
But the news shocked the couple (i.e. the parents of Parvati). They were
extremely alarmed and dismayed.^2
They caught hold of sage Narad’s feet and said most humbly, ‘Our existence
and all the wealth and comforts that we have are meant for Girija (our daughter
Parvati). If she is not happy, then everything is useless for us. [Sage, what do you
mean by what you have just said that her husband would be crazy and eccentric? Say,
what will we do with all the wealth we have if we have a groom who is mad, and who
lives like a hermit, and who cannot provide our beloved daughter the comforts and
pleasures of life? So, please sage, tell us a way out of this dilemma if there is any, and
you being the wisest amongst the sages, we do not think anyone else can give us a
better advice than you.]’^3 (18)
[Note—^1 Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line no. 1 that precedes Doha
no. 68.

(^2) Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line nos. 1, 3, 7 that precede
Doha no. 68.
(^3) Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line no. 8 that precedes Doha no.

ukFk dfg; lksb tru feVb tsfga nw"kuqA

nks"k nyu eqfu dgsm cky fc/kq Hkw"kuqAA19AA

vofl gksb flf/k lkgl Qyb lqlk/kuA

dksfV dyi r# lfjl laHkq vojk/kuAA20AA

nātha kahiya sō'i jatana miṭa'i jēhiṁ dūṣanu.
dōṣa dalana muni kahē'u bāla bidhu bhūṣanu. 19.
avasi hō'i sidhi sāhasa phala'i susādhana.
kōṭi kalapa taru sarisa sambhu avarādhana. 20.

19-20. Himwan continued to plead with Narad, ‘Hence, oh Lord, tell us a way out of
this situation and unfortunate circumstance by which this fault in her (Parvati’s)
destiny, according to which she is supposed to get a mad husband, can be rectified,
modified or erased.’^1
The sage advised them that ‘Bidhu Bhushan’ (literally, the one whose
ornamentation is the moon; here referring to Lord Shiva) is the only Lord who is
capable of nullifying all the faults and destroying all the evil circumstances that
befalls a creature due to his or her destiny^2. (19)
By his (Shiva’s) grace, success can certainly be found. Best of efforts and the
best of means chosen by a person to reach his goal bear fruit only if he has courage,
faith, resilence and fortitude. Shiva’s worship is equivalent to worshipping millions of
Kalpa Trees (i.e. the wishfulfilling trees of the Gods).’^3
[In other words, it is not a child’s play to change one’s destiny. I cannot help
you if it is written in Parvati’s destiny that she will have a crazy husband. However,

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