The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1
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umā nēha basa bikala dēha sudhi budhi ga'ī.
kalapa bēli bana baṛhata biṣama hima janu da'ī. 29.
samācāra saba sakhinha jā'i ghara ghara kahē.
sunata mātu pitu parijana dāruna dukha dahē. 30.

29-30. When Uma (Parvati) saw the developments, she became very confounded and
stunned with frustration so much so that she could not think what to do next, and was
so stupefied that she became unaware of her surroundings and unconscious of her
body as if a growing and thriving Kalpa-creeper has been struck by a terrible and
killing frost.
[When Parvati saw that Shiva had burnt Kamdeo who represented the desire in
the heart to have love and passion for a woman that would have inspired Shiva to
think of marrying her, and the fact that he had left the place and gone to an
undisclosed location because he wished to put everything behind him and move on,
she was naturally confounded and perplexed. She did not know what to do next. All
her efforts and hopes crumbled like a pack of cards. She was also alarmed at Lord
Shiva’s anger when she saw the way he opened his third eye to burn Kamdeo. Here,
she is likened to the creeper which is destroyed when severe cold sets in the forest.]^1
Her companions (who had being deputed by her father to keep watch on her
while she was doing severe Tapa by way of serving Lord Shiva) went back to their
respective households and spread the news. When her father, mother and kith and kin
learnt about the developments, they were extremely sad and remorseful because they
were now very worried about the future of Parvati. They were literally being roasted
in the fire of worries and concerns for Parvati’s well-being and future.^2 (30)
[Note—^1 A different version is given in Ram Charit Manas. It is said here that the
Sapta-rishis, the seven celestial sages, went to see how Parvati reacted to Shiva
burning Kamdeo. They taunted her that she did not listen to them on an earlier
occasion when they had tried to deter her from attempting to pursue the dream of
marrying Shiva, and now what will she do when Shiva had burnt Kamdeo himself,
meaning when he had burnt the desire to have love with anyone. Parvati rebuked
them, saying that Lord Shiva is renowned for fulfilling the wishes of his devotees,
and if she had faithfully served him with diligence and honesty then the Lord is
morally bound to fulfill her desires of marrying him. Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal
Kand, from Chaupai line no. 8 that precedes Doha no. 89—to Doha no. 90.

(^2) Everyone was sad upon learning what had happened. But the seven celestial
sages, known as Sapta-rishis, explained to them that though Shiva had burnt Kamdeo
he had simultaneously blessed his wife Rati that she would get her husband back in
her next life. This news pleased all of them, and Himwan, the father of Parvati,
welcomed the news. Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line nos. 1-2 that
precede Doha no. 91.]

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