The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1

faces sideways and laugh at you and smirk in derision at the absurd choice you had
made due to your stubbornness and lack of reasoning. Your choice of a groom is
highly stupid and hilarious. Some of them will say overtly and others covertly in their
hearts that Amrit (elixir) and poison are being mixed together in a ridiculous and
absurd cocktail. [Here, Parvati is compared to the Amrit, and Lord Shiva to poison. It
simply means that marriage should always be made between compatible couples, and
not between the type of individuals such as Parvati and Shiva who are completely at
odds and opposite in character with each other. The two cannot stay happily with each
other.] (Chanda no. 7)
[Note—This is exactly what happened when Lord Shiva arrived with his party for the
marriage. See verse nos. 103-104 below.

rqefga lfgr vlokj clg¡ tc gksbgfgaA

fujf[k uxj uj ukfj fcg¡fl eq[k xksbgfgaAA57AA

cVq dfj dksfV dqrjd tFkk #fp cksybA

vpy lqrk euq vpy c;kfj fd MksybAA58AA

tumahiṁ sahita asavāra basaham̐ jaba hō'ihahiṁ.
nirakhi nagara nara nāri biham̐si mukha gō'ihahiṁ. 57.
baṭu kari kōṭi kutaraka jathā ruci bōla'i.
acala sutā manu acala bayāri ki ḍōla'i. 58.

57-58. ‘When Shiva will ride with you on a bull after your marriage, the men and
women folk of the city will hide their faces and laugh derisively or smirk at you in
ridicule.’ (57)
In this manner, the Batu presented many illogical arguments and rationales in
his attempt to dissuade Parvati from her chosen path of determination to marry Lord
Shiva. But all his nonsense logics could not sway the mind and heart of the daughter
of the one who is very unmoving, stable and unwavering (i.e. the mountain Himwan).
Why, can the wind ever move a mountain? [Parvati’s firmness of resolve is compared
to the mountain that is never affected by the wind, no matter how strong and howling
it may be. All the arguments of the Batu directed at sowing the seed of doubt in the
mind of Parvati had no affect on her, and she kept silent just as the mountain remains
stoic when the wind howls over it.] (58)

Parvati’s angry retort

lk¡p lusg lk¡p #fp tks gfB QsjbA

lkou lfjl fla/kq #[k lwi lks ?ksjbAA59AA

efu fcuq Qfu ty ghu ehu ruq R;kxbA

lks fd nks"k xqu xub tks tsfg vuqjkxbAA60AA

sām̐ca sanēha sām̐ca ruci jō haṭhi phēra'i.
sāvana sarisa sindhu rukha sūpa sō ghēra'i. 59.
mani binu phani jala hīna mīna tanu tyāga'i.
sō ki dōṣa guna gana'i jō jēhi anurāga'i. 60.

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