The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1

Vishnu and the other Gods laughed at the sight of Lord Shiva’s party not to demean or
insult the Great God Lord Shiva but to make light of the situation.]^2 (110)
[Note—^1 Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line no. 1 that precedes Doha
no. 99.

(^2) Refer: Ram Charit Manas, Baal Kand, Chaupai line no. 2 that precedes Doha no.
Shiva’s magical transformation into a handsome and charming groom

yf[k ykSfdd xfr laHkq tkfu cM+ lksgjA

Hk, lqanj lr dksfV eukst euksgjAA111AA

uhy fupksy Nky Hkb Qfu efu Hkw"kuA

jkse jkse ij mfnr :ie; iw"kuAA112AA

lakhi laukika gati sambhu jāni baṛa sōhara.
bha'ē sundara sata kōṭi manōja manōhara. 111.
nīla nicōla chāla bha'i phani mani bhūṣana.
rōma rōma para udita rūpamaya pūṣana. 112.

111-112. [Then a fantastic and magical transformation occurred in Shiva, and an
amazing spectacle unfolded—]
Realing that ways of the world demand that the groom should be attractive and
decked up in all finery, Lord Shiva underwent a magical transformation. The Lord
changed his form to one that was exceptionally charming and handsome. This
transformed form of Shiva was so stupendously magnificent that it shamed even 100
million (i.e. countless) Kamdeo-cupids taken together.
[Kamdeo is said to be the most handsome and attractive amongst Gods. So,
Lord Shiva assumed a form that surpassed all the other Gods in the assembly by many
thousand times. This was a befitting reply to the way Lord Vishnu and other Gods
were laughing at him and poking fun at his crazy form. Now after the miraculous
metamorphosis of Shiva, all the Gods, including Vishnu, who prided themselves for
their charm and beauty, felt humbled and humiliated.] (111)
His elephant hide (wrapped around his body) became a blue-tinged
magnificent garment, while all the serpents wrapped around his body became gem-
studded ornaments. At that moment it appeared that countless beautiful suns were
shining on each of his body hairs (i.e. Lord Shiva’s divine form began to glow
intensely and radiate charm like the rays of the brilliantly shining sun). (112)

xu Hk, eaxy cs"k enu eu eksguA

lqur pys fg;¡ gjf"k ukfj uj tksguAA113AA

laHkq ljn jkdsl u[kr xu lqj xuA

tuq pdksj pgq¡ vksj fcjktfga iqj tuAA114AA

gana bha'ē maṅgala bēṣa madana mana mōhana.
sunata calē hiyam̐ haraṣi nāri nara jōhana. 113.
sambhu sarada rākēsa nakhata gana sura gana.
janu cakōra cahum̐ ōra birājahiṁ pura jana. 114.

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