The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1
method the anger of Shiva would have been vented out. But when he decided to keep
quiet and move on, not saying anything to Sati by way of even slightest of reprimand
inspite of her grave and unpardonable sins, this did not portend good for her. When
an able person or senior authority is offended by another person but decides to keep
quiet, it is not a good sign for the latter, for this anger keeps boiling inside only to
erupt like a volcano later on.
Sati’s conscience was pricking her like a crown of thorns. So when she heard the
heavenly voice praising Lord Shiva’s stern vows, she immediately became suspicious
that there was something grave in it.
She was ‘hesitant’ because she knew she was guilty of a grave and unpardonable
sin, for otherwise she knew that Lord Shiva loved her very much and there was no
cause of her feeling terrified to ask him such basic questions as ‘what vow have you
We must also note that she has used pleasing words to appease her angry
husband—such as he being merciful, truthful, compassionate etc. This was her subtle
way of pleading with Shiva to have mercy and compassion on her even if she had
committed a grave error and even if he was angry at her.]

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jadapi satīṁ pūchā bahu bhām̐tī. tadapi na kahē'u tripura ārātī. 8.

Though Sati asked Shiva to tell her what vows he had taken and what the heavenly
voice meant, Lord Tripurari (Shiva) kept quiet and did not reply to her.
[Shiva’s quiet and reluctance to reply to Sati added to her woes, as she was
now sure that Shiva is very angry at her and has virtually abandoned her for all
practical purposes. This will be clear in the following Doha no. 57.] (8)

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satīṁ hṛdayam̐ anumāna kiya sabu jānē'u sarbagya.
kīnha kapaṭu maiṁ sambhu sana nāri sahaja jaṛa agya. 57 (a).

Sati concluded in her heart that the all-knowing Lord Shiva has come to know all the
misdeeds she had done. She thought to herself, ‘Lord Shiva has become aware of all
the cunning and deceit I had undertaken, all the mischief I have committed.’
She realised that she has behaved like an ordinary silly and stupid woman
(instead of being wise and prudent as was expected from the divine consort of such a
wise and enlightened god as Shiva). (Doha no. 57 Ka)

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