jalu paya sarisa bikā'i dēkhahu prīti ki rīti bhali.
bilaga hō'i rasu jā'i kapaṭa khaṭā'ī parata puni. 57 (b).
It is well said by the wise ones the unifying and bonding power of love is like the
relationship of water and milk because when ordinary water (which has no special
monetary value independently) is mixed with milk, it blends so perfectly with the
latter that it becomes as valuable as milk and acquires the same sale value as pure
milk. But when even a drop of acid symbolising falsehood, and lack of trust and faith
is added to this homogenous liquid, the water and milk are not only separated but the
taste of milk too becomes horrible. (Sortha no. 57 Kha)
[Note—This metaphor is employed to say that as long as Sati had not used falsehood
and deceit against her loving husband Lord Shiva, as long as she had full trust in him
and his words, Lord Shiva and Sati were inseparable from each other. Wherever
Shiva went, Sati accompanied him. But now this acid of lies and mistrust has soured
their cordial relation so much so that Shiva turned away from Sati and completely
neglected her.
This episode and Sortha has a great practical message for all of us—it is that we
must be true and honest with our partner if we wish to sustain the relationship and be
cordial with each other. Otherwise, sooner or later the realation would sour.]
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hṛdayam̐ sōcu samujhata nija karanī. cintā amita jā'i nahiṁ baranī. 1.
kṛpāsindhu siva parama agādhā. pragaṭa na kahē'u mōra aparādhā. 2.
Sati’s heart was overwhelmed with grief and contrition as she realised her stupidity
and misdeeds. She was extremely worried, but did not know what to do now. (1)
She was extremely perturbed and thought to herself—‘Lord Shiva, who is like
a fathomless ocean of mercy and grace, has known my mischief and misdeeds, but
he’s so merciful and kind that he refrains from overtly telling me about my sins.^1 ’ (2)
[Note—^1 Shiva did not want to add to her woes by admonishing her or telling her
what nonsense she has done. The Lord did not want to hurt Sati any more because he
understood that she was already full of regret as she has realised her mistakes by then,
and when she would come to know that he has abandoned her, the intensity of her
torments would be beyond measurement. Being loving, merciful and gracious, Lord
Shiva did not wish to add fuel to her tormenting fire any more. So he decided to keep
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saṅkara rukha avalōki bhavānī. prabhu mōhi tajē'u hṛdayam̐ akulānī. 3.
nija agha samujhi na kachu kahi jā'ī. tapa'i avām̐ iva ura adhikā'ī. 4.