’«∏U •Áœ∑§Ê⁄U Œë¿U ¡’ ¬ÊflÊ – •Áà •Á÷◊ÊŸÈ NUŒÿ° Ã’ •ÊflÊH 7H
Ÿ®„U ∑§Ù©U •‚ ¡Ÿ◊Ê ¡ª ◊Ê„UË¥ – ¬ ̋÷ÈÃÊ ¬Êß ¡ÊÁ„U ◊Œ ŸÊ„UË¥H 8H
baṛa adhikāra daccha jaba pāvā. ati abhimānu hṛdayam̐ taba āvā. 7.
nahiṁ kō'u asa janamā jaga māhīṁ. prabhutā pā'i jāhi mada nāhīṁ. 8.
When Daksha acquired an exalted stature of being appointed as the guardian of the
living beings of the kingdom of the Creator by the latter himself, immense sense of
self-pride and arrogance took root in his heart^1. (7)
Indeed it is true that there is no one who has taken birth in this world but does
not have pride and ego if he or she gets to acquire high stature and position, or is
honoured by someone who is great (like the creator Brahma who had honoured
Daksha by making him the guardian of his creation)^2. (8)
[Note—^1 Daksha became exceedingly proud of himself, thinking—“Oh, I am so great
and able that the Creator has selected me to lead the world out of all the candidates
for this coveted position. Now I am the king of the world, rivaling Indra who is the
king of gods. No one can match me now. Oh, I am the undisputed soverign now.
None can challenge my position now because I have been appointed by the Creator
(^2) This is an important observation. It is worth noting here that only those who
have taken birth in this world created by Brahma, the creator are prone to this
negative trait of becoming arrogant and haughty. That is why the ‘self-born’ Supreme
Being is free from this taint—because he is not created by Brahma, the creator.
So therefore, Lord Ram was never subjected to being influenced by the negative
traits of ego, pride, arrogance or haughtiness for the simple and straight reason that he
had come to this world out of his own free will, and not created by Brahma the
creator like other living beings.]
ŒÊ0. Œë¿U Á‹∞ ◊ÈÁŸ ’ÙÁ‹ ‚’ ∑§⁄UŸ ‹ª ’«∏U ¡Êª–
Ÿflà ‚ÊŒ⁄U ‚∑§‹ ‚È⁄U ¡ ¬Êflà ◊π ÷ʪH 60H
daccha li'ē muni bōli saba karana lagē baṛa jāga.
nēvatē sādara sakala sura jē pāvata makha bhāga. 60.
To celebrate his newly acquired stature, Daksha summoned all the sages and began to
perform a huge fire sacrifice. He sent invitations to all the gods, respectfully inviting
them to come and take their respective shares of the offerings during the fire sacrifice.
(Doha no. 60)
[Note—Who were invited? This is answered below in verse nos. 1-2. It ought to be
noted that Shiva is left out.]
øı0. ®∑§Ÿ⁄U ŸÊª Á‚h ª¢œ’Ê ̧ – ’œÈã„UU ‚◊à ø‹ ‚È⁄U ‚’Ê ̧H 1H
Á’cŸÈ Á’⁄¢UÁø ◊„U‚È Á’„UÊß ̧ – ø‹ ‚∑§‹ ‚È⁄U ¡ÊŸ ’ŸÊß ̧H 2H