The Story Of Lord Shiva’s Marriage With Parvati

(Kiana) #1

father’s place when he has completely neglected us, but you seem to be adamant. So, I
think that it is wise for me to keep quiet now as it is clear that your fate is doomed.]’

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kahi dēkhā hara jatana bahu raha'i na dacchakumāri.
di'ē mukhya gana saṅga taba bidā kīnha tripurāri. 62.

Lord Har (Shiva) tried his best to persuade the daughter of Daksha^1 (Sati) not to go
(uninvited to her father’s place), but unfortunately she would not listen.
So finally, Lord Tripurari^2 (Shiva, the Lord of the three dimensions of the
world) sent her (i.e. allowed her to go to her father’s place) along with his chief
attendants to accompany her. (Doha no. 62)
[Note—^1 The epithet “daughter of Daksha” is used here to indicate that after all Sati
had inherited the genes of her father—to be stubborn, to lack wisdom, and inclined to
show disrespect to Shiva and his words by disobeying him—inspite of the fact that
Shiva was not an ordinary god but^2 Tripurari, “the Lord of the entire world consisting
of three levels of existence, viz. the heaven, the earth and the nether world”.]

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pitā bhavana jaba ga'īṁ bhavānī. daccha trāsa kāhum̐ na sanamānī. 1.
sādara bhalēhi milī ēka mātā. bhaginīṁ milīṁ bahuta musukātā. 2.
daccha na kachu pūchī kusalātā. satihi bilōki jarē saba gātā. 3.

When Bhavani (i.e. the wife of Lord Bhava, Shiva) reached her father’s house, no one
welcomed her due to fear of inviting the wrath of Daksha. (1)
However, her mother was the only person who met her respectfully. [That is,
Sati’s mother met her affectionately, and she was the only person who welcomed her.]
Her sisters too met her, but all of them were smiling (in a sarcastic manner)^1.
*Daksha did not as much as asked for her well-being even as a matter of
formal courtesy. Instead, when he saw her he was so agitated that his body burnt like
it was afire. [His blood-pressure rose and he became exceedingly annoyed.] (3)
[Note—^1 Why were they ‘smiling in a sarcastic manner’? Because Sati had come
alone, without being accompanied by her husband Shiva, whereas the rest of her
sisters were accompanied by their respective husbands. Besides this, they smiled
scornfully to indicate that though they were sisters but in the present situation Sati
was the lowliest amongst them as not only her husband Lord Shiva was an ascetic but
he had discarded her. To add to her woes, she wasn’t received well by her father, and

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