siva apamānu na jā'i sahi hṛdayam̐ na hō'i prabōdha.
sakala sabhahi haṭhi haṭaki taba bōlīṁ bacana sakrōdha. 63.
Insult to Lord Shiva was unbearable and unacceptable for Sati, and she could not
pacify her heart on this count. So, outraged and unable to restrain herself, she poured
scorn at the whole assembly and reproached it sternly in angry words—(Doha no. 63)
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‚Ù »§‹È ÃÈ⁄Uà ‹„U’ ‚’ ∑§Ê„Í°U – ÷‹Ë ÷°ÊÁà ¬Á¿UÃÊ’ Á¬ÃÊ„Í°UH 2H
sunahu sabhāsada sakala munindā. kahī sunī jinha saṅkara nindā. 1.
sō phalu turata lahaba saba kāhūm̐. bhalī bhām̐ti pachitāba pitāhūm̐. 2.
Sati angrily snubbed the whole assembly and said angrily—‘Listen all the members of
this assembly, including the sages who are present here. Listen all of you who have
criticised Lord Shiva or have heard such insults being inflicted upon the Lord. (1)
All of you will immediately be given the fruits of your deeds (i.e. you will be
summarily punished for your insulting Shiva). Let my father also regret fully and
repent (for his misdeeds and sin of insulting Lord Shiva). (2)
‚¢Ã ‚¢÷È üÊˬÁà •¬’ÊŒÊ – ‚ÈÁŸ• ¡„UÊ° Ä°U •Á‚ ◊⁄U¡ÊŒÊH 3H
∑§ÊÁ≈U• ÃÊ‚È ¡Ë÷ ¡Ù ’‚Êß ̧ – üÊflŸ ◊ÍÁŒ Ÿ à øÁ‹• ¬⁄UÊß ̧H 4H
santa sambhu śrīpati apabādā. suni'a jahām̐ taham̐ asi marajādā. 3.
kāṭi'a tāsu jībha jō basā'ī. śravana mūdi na ta cali'a parā'ī. 4.
It is a matter of rule that wherever and whenever you hear saints, Lord Shiva and Lord
Vishnu (“Sri-Pati”, the Lord of Sri or goddess Laxmi) being reviled (abused, insulted,
scorned at or criticised) [1], then if it is within your means you should chop-off the
tongue of the reviler, and if it is not possible to do so then you should close your ears
(so that you don’t have to listen such vile words) and run away (get away) from the
place [2]. (1-2)
¡ªŒÊÃ◊Ê ◊„U‚È ¬È⁄UÊ⁄UË – ¡ªÃ ¡Ÿ∑§ ‚’ ∑§ Á„UÃ∑§Ê⁄UËH 5H
Á¬ÃÊ ◊¢Œ◊Áà ®ŸŒÃ ÄUË – Œë¿U ‚È∑ ̋§ ‚¢÷fl ÿ„U Œ„UËH 6H
jagadātamā mahēsu purārī. jagata janaka saba kē hitakārī. 5.
pitā mandamati nindata tēhī. daccha sukra sambhava yaha dēhī. 6.
It is such an irony that Lord Mahesh (Shiva), who is the universal Atma (soul) of the
entire creation (“Jag-daatma”), who is the Lord of the entire world (“Puraari”), who is
the Father of the whole world (“Jagat Janak”), and who is the well-wisher of all
(“Hitkaari”) [5]---
---My father is so stupid and of a low intellect that he has chosen to criticise
and revile the same great Lord of creation! And it is an irony and my bad luck that