4000 Essential English Words

(WallPaper) #1

patent [psetent] n.

A patent is a right to be the only person allowed to make or sell a new product.

—► He quickly established a patent fo r his b rillia n t invention.

penalize [pi:nslaiz] v.

To penalize someone means to punish him or her.
—► The team was penalized when they broke the rules.

petroleum Ipitrouliam] n.
Petroleum is a liquid natural resource from which many fuels are made.
—► The petroleum at that factory is used to make gasoline.

prototype [proutataip] n.
A prototype is a new machine that is not ready to be made in large quantities.
—► He introduced his prototype to the motorcycle company.

SCrap [skraep] n.
A scrap of something is a small amount of it.
—► Chris liked to use many scraps o f paper when thinking up ideas.

S e c t o r [sektax] n.
A sector is a part of a country’s economy in a specific type of industry.
—♦ We learned about ju s t a few o f the factories within the manufacturing sector.

subscribe [sabskraib] v.
To subscribe to something is to agree or to concur with it.
—»She subscribed to the view that musical education should be kept in schools.

subsist [sabsist] v.
To subsist means to have the food, water, and money needed to stay alive.
-+ Some people are forced to subsist on only a few dollars a month.

suspend [saspendj v.
To suspend something means to delay or stop it from happening for a while.
—► The oil company suspended production until it was sure the factory was safe.

synthesis [sineasis] n.
A synthesis is a combination of different ideas or styles.
—» The band’s music was a synthesis o f many different musical genres.


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