4000 Essential English Words

(WallPaper) #1

Write C if the italicized word is used correctly. Write I if the word is used incorrectly.

  1. The animal rights advocacy group worked to protect animals.

  2. He was well-liked by people in his class. A lot of people scorned him.
    3. Going on a rollercoaster is a wild sensory experience.
    4. Items like sunscreen, towel and bathing suit are staple items needed for the beach.
    5. The hotel had a communal kitchen that the guests were free to use.
    6. The acrobat had studied biology for many years before he became successful.
    7. The audience rehearsed the play for the actors.
    8. Chris’s actions were misguided. He should have found out the facts first.
    9. The people of the small town were very metropolitan.

  3. Mandarin Chinese is said to be one of the hardest languages to learn.

  4. Kayla watched the flu id motions of the graceful bird.

  5. The statute was placed in front of the new police station.

  6. The singers harmonized during the last part of the song. It sounded lovely.
    14. After his shoelaces tore, the inventive boy used floss to tie his shoes together.
    15. Mrs. Campbell’s son was lazy and industrious.
    16. I’m interested in getting a job as a ju d icia l officer, like my father the judge.
    17. Some insects mimic the appearance of poisonous bugs to keep predators away.
    18. The veteran gave my pet dog medicine to feel better.
    19. Long vines grew around the side of the house and covered up the front wall.
    20. The villain helped the family escape their house when it caught fire.

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