4000 Essential English Words

(WallPaper) #1


PART O Mark each statement T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false
statements to make them true.

  1. The Earl of Hampton was an expert archer who was in the forest hunting prey.

  2. The prophet used a funnel to put vinegar, garlic, some seasoning, and sodium in a

  3. The evil tyrant and his men marched in a procession through the town.

  4. The prophet, who sang a hymn, was involved in a conspiracy to take over Hampton.
    5. Michael’s strength really came from the fragrant potion.

PART O Answer the questions.

  1. What suggests that Michael’s skills were hereditary?

  2. What analogy did an enemy deputy officer use to describe Michael?

  3. What did Michael say in a sarcastic tone before he inverted the bottle?

  4. What did Michael say after the prophet said the village needed him to stop the tyranny?


Reading Comprehension

  1. What did Michael realize after his final encounter with the prophet?

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