4000 Essential English Words

(WallPaper) #1
analogous [anaelagas] adj.
If something is analogous to another thing, then it is like it in certain ways.
—* The relationship with his teacher was analogous to that o f a son and mother.

binoculars [banakjalarz] n.
Binoculars are a device used for seeing things that are far away.
—* He could see the ship on the horizon only i f he used his binoculars.

bulk tbAlk] n.
The bulk of something is its great size. I
—» The large elephant moved its bulk with legs as strong as tree trunks.

comprise [kampraiz] v.
If something comprises something else, it consists of or is made up of it.

    • Our school’s football team is mostly comprised with seniors.

depict [dipfkt] v.
To depict something means to show or portray it, often using art.
—» The statue’s face depicted the general’s determination and courage.

dual [d/u:al] adj.!
If something is dual, then it is made up of two parts.
—► The room had a dual function. It was a living room, but at nig ht it was a bedroom.

Fahrenheit [fceranhait] n.
Fahrenheit temperature is a scale where water freezes at 32° and boils at 212°.
—► When the temperature dropped to 32° Fahrenheit, it started snowing.

fulfill [fulfil] V.
To fulfill something means to achieve or finish it.
—► The professor d id not fu lfill his promise not to miss a single class.

grove [grouv] n.
A grove is a small group of trees.
—♦ A ll the trees in this grove are apple trees.

ore [o:r] n.
Ore is the raw form of rock or material from which a valuable metal is taken.
—► The factory melted the ore and used it to make iron products.


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