4000 Essential English Words

(WallPaper) #1

Exercise 3

Choose the one that is similar in meaning to the given word.

  1. comprise
    a. return

  2. tilt
    a. mix

  3. pier
    a. dock

  4. analogous
    a. metric

  5. paradox
    a. illogical

b. consist

b. dig

b. cake

b. powerful

b. cattle

c. explain

c. lean

c. chef

c. secure

c. calendar

d. favor

d. grip

d. fort

d. similar

d. feather

Exercise 4

Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.

  1. These mines produce several types of valuable raw forms of rock.

  2. The company had to pay a tax on exports for the steel it shipped to Europe.
    3. She used the device used for seeing things far away to observe the small bird.
    4. The painting portrayed what the beach looked like twenty years ago.
    5. He had sent a letter from the city three days earlier. But his precise location was still a mystery.
    6. The two-part plan involves scientists from both universities.
    7. The meal was made up mostly of beans and vegetables.
    8. If you’re sick, take your temperature. The device for measuring temperature is in the cabinet.
    9. His promotion was a real event opposite to common knowledge due to his sparse knowledge.

  3. It was difficult to lift the great mass that had accumulated in his backpack.

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