4000 Essential English Words

(WallPaper) #1



PART © Mark each statement T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false
statements to make them true.

  1. The driver’s load was comprised of many types of ore.

  2. The paradox of the shortcut was that the shortest route could be the longest but not
    vice versa.

  3. The thermometer read under 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

  4. When the trailer tilted, the driver’s binoculars fell into the river.
    5. The driver had fulfilled his duty.

PART O Answer the questions.

  1. What was the truck crossing the bridge analogous to?

  2. What outweighed the driver’s concern of being punished for not paying the tariff?
    3. What was the dual advantage of the route depicted on the map?
    4. What made the driver park his truck in a grove of trees while in the outback?
    5. Why couldn’t the driver determine the ship’s whereabouts at the pier?

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