4000 Essential English Words

(WallPaper) #1

granite [graenit] n.

Granite is a very hard type of rock that is often black or pink.
-» The kitchen counter was made o f granite.

gravel [graeval] n.

Gravel is a combination of small stones mixed with sand.
—» The ground around the swing set was covered with gravel.

haunt [ho:nt] v.

To haunt is to cause problems or negative thoughts over a long period of time.
—* His thoughts about his scary dream haunted him fo r weeks.

liberal [liberal] adj.
When someone is liberal, they accept different ideas and people.
—► My grandparents aren’t as liberal as my parents.

maze [meiz] n.
A maze is a system of paths that is complicated and easy to get lost in.
—» We g ot lost in the maze in the garden.

moss [mo(:)s] n.
Moss is a small green or yellow plant that grows on wet dirt, rocks, or tree trunks.
—* Be careful not to slip on the moss that’s covering those rocks.

pebble [pebal] n.
A pebble is a small, round stone.
—► We threw pebbles into the lake to make the water splash.

peck [pek] V.
When a bird pecks, it bites or hits something with its beak.
—* The birds pecked at the seeds on the ground.

reservoir [rezervwa:/-] n.
A reservoir is a place for storing water for a town to use.
-* If it doesn’t rain soon, the reservoir is going to dry up completely.

streak [stitk] n.
A streak is a long, thin mark that is easy to see.
—► Her hair was brown except fo r a streak which she dyed blonde.
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