4000 Essential English Words

(WallPaper) #1




Word List


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ashore [aJ6:r] adv.
If something goes ashore, it goes from water to the land.

    • After a long day o f fishing, Glen pulled his boat ashore, so it wouldn’t float away.

contradict [kantradikt] V.
To contradict means to state the opposite of what someone else has.
—» Ken was always fig htin g with his little sister because she kept contradicting him.

counterpart [kauntarpdirt] n.
A counterpart is something that is very similar to something else in what it does.
—► Our manager will meet our rival company’s counterpart later today.

devoid [divoid] adj.
When something or someone is devoid of a thing, they are missing it.
—* The movie was devoid o f any violence, so it was a perfect movie fo r the family.

diverge [diva:rd3] v.
To diverge is to become different or to follow a different direction.
—► The road diverged into two paths that led to our houses.

elude [iiu:d] v.
To elude means to avoid being caught by something.
—► The rabbit eluded the w olf by hiding in a bush.

embryo [embridu] n.
An embryo is a human or animal that is still growing inside its mother.
—► Some doctors say that what a mother eats has a big effect on her embryo.

fend [fend] V.
To fend off something means to push it away and avoid it.
—* Dave spent all n ight fending o ff bugs instead o f sleeping.

fictitious [fiktifas] adj.
When something is fictitious, it is made up and not real.
—* The author said that the characters in her book were completely fictitious.

gazette [gazet] n.
A gazette is a newspaper.
—»Alice wants to write fo r a gazette when she’s older.
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