4000 Essential English Words

(WallPaper) #1

Exercise 1

Choose the answer that best fits the question.

  1. What animal can survive ashore?
    a. A dolphin b. An alligator c. A shark

  2. How can someone devoid of any happiness be described?
    a. Lazy b. Content c. Depressed

d. A goldfish

d. Humorous

  1. How do turtles elude predators?
    a. They walk fast,
    c. They have sharp teeth.

b. They hide in their shells,
d. They dig a hole in the ground.

  1. What is something that people can plunge into?
    a. A school b. A car c. A cup d. A pool

  2. Which of the following is NOT used to obstruct sunlight?
    a. Sunglasses b. Curtains c. A telescope d. A baseball cap

Exercise 2

Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.

  1. Human undeveloped babies grow inside the mother for up to nine months.

  2. The concert was made well-known over the radio.

  3. Ms. Hiller had a spare amount of clothes, so she gave them to charity.

  4. The philosopher developed an idea about what happens to good people.
    5. The principal called Alex’s house to make certain he was sick at home.
    6. Margaret collected shells that had come from the water to land on the beach.
    7. Elliot moved down into the water as soon as he arrived at the beach.
    8. Oscar hid behind a tree to not get caught by the bully who was chasing him.
    9. The beads in the box were all the same.

  5. The amount of hair he had on his head was a small amount.

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