4000 Essential English Words

(WallPaper) #1

Exercise 3

Choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the given word.

c. quick d. ugly

  1. contend
    a. give up

  2. substantial
    a. bright

  3. hesitant
    a. visible

  4. splendid
    a. night

  5. enlist
    a. resign

b. ready

b. runny

b. certain

b. whale

b. erase

c. small

c. colorful

c. terrible

c. boil

d. handsome

d. broken

d. skin

d. increase

Exercise 4

Write C if the italicized word is used correctly. Write I if the word is used incorrectly.

  1. I am so weary. The loud music kept me awake most of last night.

  2. The pages in the book were quivering with sheer horror.

  3. Bill was hesitant to speak to his teacher. But after thinking about it, he talked to her.

  4. You can tell that the bones are old because they don’t have any marrow left in them.
    5. I have five siblings. We often contend with each other for our parents’ attention.
    6. After the meal, Father strayed the bill, and we left.
    7. Mountains divide the northern frontier from the southern plains.
    8. He parked the car in the cot but didn’t notice he was on the wrong street.
    9. I installed a new tract in the bathroom today.

  5. I had to contemplate what I was going to do with my life.

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