4000 Essential English Words

(WallPaper) #1
PART o Mark each statement T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false
statements to make them true.

  1. Tom strayed from his squad to gaze at a splendid view of a lush forest near the frontier.

  2. Tom couldn’t find his squad on the tract of wilderness because their outfits had

  3. All Tom had with him was his cot, a boomerang, and his handbook.
    4. A monster of substantial size left a print from its paw in the dirt near Tom’s fire.
    5. A loud noise woke him from his sleep.

PART O Answer the questions.

  1. Why did Tom enlist in the military?

  2. What roused Tom from his sleep?
    3. What caused Tom to shake so much that the marrow in his bones quivered?
    4. Though he contemplated many plans, he was hesitant to act. What did he finally decide to do?
    5. During his vigil, what could Tom not contend with any longer?



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