(sharon) #1

Working Drawings Handbook

The line should be either 0.3 mm or 0.25 mm,
depending on which range of pen sizes is being used.

Most lettering will normally run from left to right of the
drawing, parallel to the bottom edge of the sheet. Should
it become necessary for lettering to run vertically it
should always run from the bottom upwards. (This
applies equally to dimensions.)

With lower case lettering the spacing should be
somewhat greater than the lettering size to avoid

upstanding stems from one line coming into contact with
the tails from the line above.

Figure 4.22, prepared manually, is an example of well-
spaced out lettering on a quite complex detail (actually a
(52) general arrangement plan showing the drainage
services). Note how a little forethought at all stages in
the production of this plan has helped to ensure that
notes, dimensions and coded references do not clash
with each other or with the building.
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