(sharon) #1

The structure of information

Primary structuring—by
information type

What has been outlined is a method of primary
structuring of information according to its type, and
which may be summarised and named as follows:

 Locationinformation, answering the questions: where
are components to be built or installed and where
further information about them may be found?

 Componentinformation, answering the question:
what is the component like?
 Assemblyinformation, answering the question: how
are the various components to be related one to
another—how are they to be assembled?

This type of structure and the search pattern it
generates is illustrated in (1.5). It is to be noted that the
CPI recommendations adopt a similar method of
classification, the only difference being that location

1.5 The fundamental search pattern generated by the questions What?, Where? and How?

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