(sharon) #1

The general arrangement drawing

those floor levels to a datum which is readily achievable
on site (for example, to the top of the last course of
bricks), and to which the more comprehensive
dimensioning contained in the subsequent assembly
details may be referred.

There is no advantage in elementalising the general
arrangement sections, although if CI/SfB coding is being
used there is some logic in regarding them as G(2-)
drawings, thus differentiating them from the G(--)
general sections previously described and which fulfil a
different purpose in the set.

The points around the building at which the strip
sections are taken will, of course, be indicated on the
general arrangement plans (2.21).

Site plans

The functions of the site plan are to show:

 The location of the building or buildings in relation to
their surroundings.
 The topography of the site, with both existing and
finished levels.

2.21 General arrangement plans give references to general sections G(--) and strip section G(21). The former will be
of the type shown in 2.19. The latter will be similar in scope and function to 2.20

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