(sharon) #1

Working Drawings Handbook

details (i.e. to windows) and are therefore coded,
respectively: A for assembly, (21) for external walls,
followed by their number in the sequence of such
details; and A for assembly, (31) for external openings,
followed by their number in the sequence of such

The assembly section shown in 3.18is coded: A for
assembly; (21) for external walls; and 021 because that
is its number in the series.

The assembly section shown in 3.20is coded: A for
assembly; (31) for external openings; and 001 because it
is the first in that series.

It is not unreasonable to give a (21) coding to the
section shown in 3.18, for it clarifies the construction of
an external wall. But then so does the section illustrated
in 3.20. Why not code that (21) also?

The answer is that it would be perfectly in order to do so
and if you elected to produce a series of details devoted
to the assembly problems encountered in constructing
the external walls, then you would code A(21)001, etc.
accordingly. But it is more likely that in commencing a
series of details showing the junctionsof two
elements—for example, the junction of external
openings with the external walls within which they sit—
you would find it more convenient, and a better
guarantee that you had covered the subject
comprehensively, to produce a series of external
openings assembly details—and these would naturally
fall into the A(31) series.

The examples of assembly details illustrated have
consisted of vertical sections through a particular
construction but of course the plan section also requires
illustration and enlargement at certain key points—door
and window jambs, for example.

Where this is the case and where space allows, it is
better to group plans and sections together by their
common element rather than to produce a series of
plan details on one sheet and a series of section
details on another. Everyone on site concerned with
forming the window opening and with fixing the window
into it, will then have the relevant information readily
to hand.

The schedule

(See also the section on schedules in Chapter 1.)

There are two distinct types of schedule.

3.20 Simplified version of 3.19gives
adequate information to all concerned

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