(singke) #1



resides in the south. His body is bright yellow like the color of
the warm light of the sun at noon, symbolizing the fullness of the
spiritual life. The symbolic color of the element earth and of
equality is also yellow. His Mudra is Dana Mudra with the palm
of his right hand upward and
the fingers touching the ground.
It symbolizes the giving of the
Three Jewels (Buddha,
doctrine, sangha) to sentient
beings enabling them to lean
upon, to follow, and to reach
the emptiness nature of
Aksobhya and the selflessness
nature of Ratnasambhava.
This will aid them in their
progress to the intimate union.
In this Mandala,
Ratnasambhava is depicted
sitting on the horse throne.
Amitabha Buddha or
Infinite Buddha symbolizes the
wisdom of observation. His
seed-syllable is “Hrih” and his
Dharani is “Om Amitabha
Hrih”. Hrih is the nature of fiery burning fire, ejecting red sparks
in all directions. The bright light of fire of Amitabha appears in
the West. His body is also deep red like the color of sunset.
Twilight at sunset is the time for meditation, thus he uses the
Dhyana Mudra (meditation Mudra).
The blossomed lotus in his hand represents contemplation.
His aggregate is perception. From the discriminating mind
perception becomes transcendental observation. Transcendental


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