(singke) #1


Chapter IV

Practices Leading To Enlightenment

Secret Buddhism teachings are like any other Buddhist sect.
It has 2 aspects: Theory and Practice. In terms of secret sect, it is
the Form of Teaching and the Form of Application. The Form of
Teaching is the deep meaning behind the Form of Application as
taught by the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. The Form of
Application includes practices in mantra chanting, forming
Mudras, altar setting and offerings. One must follow strict rules
and cannot do whatever comes to mind in performing the rituals.

The disciple of the Way should study both aspects without
giving more importance to either one. Without studying the
teachings, one cannot understand the meaning of the application
to perform correctly. Without studying the application everything
becomes pure theories. The doctrine can be learned from books
and from Sutras but a guru or a master of Secret Buddhism must
teach the application.

Beside daily routine practice, essential practice of Secret
Buddhism is the meditation on the Three Secrets. There are many
different meditation techniques based on the level of each person
and their preference. However, all secret meditation techniques
emphasize focusing on the spirit of the Bodhisattva's vow before
allowing one to choose his own method. That is why thorough
knowledge of the precepts and the ability to eventually keep all
of them are beneficial to the yogi.

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