(singke) #1


  1. The subject on paying homage.

  2. The subject on offerings.

  3. The subject on repentance.

  4. The subject on taking refuge with the Buddha.

  5. The subject on making the Bodhi Vow (Vow to become

  6. The subject on protection from dangers.

  7. The subject on respectfully inviting the master.

  8. The subject on the supernatural doctrine.
    (Three groups of precepts on cultivation of purity:
    precepts of rites with its 10 precepts to avoid cruel
    actions, precepts on good action and precepts on being
    beneficial to others).

  9. The subject of keeping the precepts.

  10. The subject of cultivation of the four salvations.

  11. Ten Major precepts (just for Secret Buddhism).

II. Appendix

Although the practitioner has received the Bodhisattva
precepts, it is better that he also receives the precept and doctrine
on the awakening of the heart of purity and the passionless nature
of Buddhas to enter the gate of samadhi. This doctrine on
precepts is itself the secret Dharani that Buddhas has used to
come to the sea of “All Knowing Mind”. It has been kept secret
so far. The following are some of the essential revelations for the
person that has affinity with the secret doctrine.

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